Good luck and fast healing, Ernest!
‘Shhhh good boy’ with a bolt cutter in her hands trying to get 2mm of nail of its paw.
I use her videos to focus on my tasks. I would rather she would profit from it.
You point out a very interesting issue. I am unsure how this ties up to GPT 4 becoming worse in problem solving.
Lol ethical AI
I still cannot believe it really happened. People be wildling
I think you believe most of these issues are because of humans but the reality is that it’s the company’s policies.
A policy for not helping you with a particular topic, like cancelling a service, with a machine that will drive you insane before telling you how.
The shinning is the only movie to have given me nightmares to this day.
She is warning you. Take a break or she’ll fart next to your woeking station
I disagree. Regina George would have them at her mercy because she was a genius and not just a random dude pretending to be.
That website has more detailed info that I had expected.
Knots, videos, images, logic… That is one crafty human.
You’re probably very biteable
And the world still sees the U.S. as a benchmark. Where you are at might change whether is a benchmark for good conditions or decline but still.
Of course conservative groups target already vulnerable populations; they will have least resistance.
Voyager is nice. If we end up liking and using it a lot, we will give it a silly nickname.
Assisted diagnosis? Yes… The rest? Not for many years.
I am sorry this is happening to you. I cannot even phantom why this is the case, anyone could please explain to me why UTIs are not covered for men?
Redditors being true to their nature!
I’m currently wondering what their plans are for updating these LLMs.
Who wants to create the content to feed these machines without a recognition, retribution or a perceived act of ‘good’? If I were to maintain a blog with a particular midly but important obscure topic, would I devote the time to have ChatGPT or Copilot make a summary?
Now, the LLMs need to ingest a lot more than ‘one blog’… If someome knows, please let me know.
I doubt this crazy effort with such resource consumption is to create a snapshot of what the internet was in the 2020s.