Bluesky is on the way to become darksky
Bluesky is on the way to become darksky
Color tiles were so sophisticated and colorful
I was stuck too and I had to reinstall everything to get the upgrade done. That’s the Linux game
8.1 was slightly better
Keep FL it is the best and take a one shot licence
GPU proudly running by Oceangate
Another good idea from Microsoft to be hated. What a stupid idea to remove it when it start to be interesting.
Use wingetui or ninite or chocolatery it works fine with the admin account
Hail Hydra !
Dix someone played Wukong ?
Most of those points including what you called a blatant lie are directly extracted from their privacy policy. And bad elsewhere never justifiés mediocre here isn’t it.
Let’s read the license agreement : “Developers retain the right to sell the games through other channels.” The EU court confirms that the agreement and use of geographic restriction were harmful to competition by object.
Totally excessive in view of the facts.
There are so few alternative browsers and the collapse of the privacy is so global. That seems to me a minor point in relation to the goal.