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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • glilimith@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonetism rule
    21 days ago

    Sex is rooted in reality, but the boundaries are socially constructed.

    Similarly, Pluto is no longer a planet because “planet” is a socially constructed category. It doesn’t mean that it’s not rooted in tangible, factual reality, just that we culturally decide what characteristics are required to fall into the categories we created.

  • I’ve seen a lot of talk about how this move changes the admins the community will be under, but very little about how this will change the randos that pass through. The mods keep saying this won’t change anything, that the moderation will stay the same, etc, but the reason this community is the way it is is that there are a lot of locals that find it. When the new community shows up on l.w’s local page, it will bring in a far different crowd. Their posts, comments, and up/down votes will change the community, and there’s no amount of moderation that will fix that.

    Mods, this is why people are mad you made this change without asking anyone. Many of us do not want an influx of .world users into this space because we know what kind of politics and biases they’ll bring with them and that, even if you moderate the bigots, the normies will still likely overpower the queer voices this community is known for.

  • glilimith@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneTrans trules
    3 months ago

    Even if you disbelieve drag’s identity, they are NOT the reason transphobia exists. TRANSPHOBES are the reason transphobia exists.

    Every marginalized group has some faction that is willing the throw another smaller or more marginalized group under the bus. There are gays trying to claim legitimacy by fighting trans rights, and binary trans folks are saying we’d be a lot farther if nbs didn’t exist. This is just pandering to people who already hate us in the hopes that we can distract them from ourselves for a little while. It doesn’t work and it hurts people who should be our allies.

    You mention the kitty litter thing, but you know that was fully a lie, right? It was there in case of an active shooter situation, and the people upset about it weren’t gesturing to people like drag, but to furries, most of whom (in reality) are just enjoying playing pretend. They will make up lies and people to get mad about with or without those people, so how could drag possibly be making this worse?

  • A few things:

    • What wisp does for herself she also does for the group. Your teammate can afford to bring a frame that’s not survivable enough normally because of vitality mote, and with very little coordination from the group.
    • Because of the way reservoirs work, that strength requirement isn’t as much of a tradeoff as it seems. Wisp can afford to tank her efficiency into the ground and still function very very well in any mission where you can stay near your reservoirs.
    • You compare her to arcanes, but those are a very large farming investment to get to high levels, whereas she drops from a boss fight / relics. If you’re one of the players that already has everything the comparison is fair, but if you’re looking at a new thing to acquire the two are very different hurdles.

    Ultimately she’s probably rarely the best possible choice, but part of the reason that she’s considered “the best support in the game” is that she does so much with so little investment or effort (and that she was given that title before a bunch of older support frames got buffed to stand on par with her)

  • I am under no circumstances saying you can’t criticize art or say that the writing was bad or whatever you seem to think my position is.

    Writers can and do get fired for not doing the job they were hired for and rarely get to lead the creative process (and usually if they do they’re like, writer/director, or a big name). All I’m trying to say is that a worker can do a good job within the bounds they’re given and still have the result be terrible because the bounds were terrible.

  • You seem to be giving a LOT of agency to writers for the stories they tell. Some stories are going to be something writers worked hard on wanted to write, and in those cases ya they should be blamed for the resulting flaws, but many times they are constrained by the instructions they’re given.

    To go back to the metaphor, did the worker decide that the stuff you need goes out of your reach or are they putting it where they were told to?

  • “Just following orders” absolutely does excuse bad writing as long as it’s not harmful. I wouldn’t get mad at a writer of a thing a studio ruined just like I wouldn’t get mad at a grocery store worker for rearranging the shelves for the fifth week in a row. Just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean doing a stupid and pointless job makes them a bad person. If the writing is racist or whatever, sure, they’re complicit, but writers have to eat and it’s not morally wrong to write a boring script if that’s what your boss is asking you for.

  • So guys who say stuff like “I prefer natural looking girls, not ones with caked on makeup” or “I’d only date a virgin. I don’t want any roast beef” or “no fatties, I only like thin girls” are what? All secretly gay or ace?

    ETA: my point is, people do comparisons all the time when talking about how one person is more attractive than another or than most other people (some more mean spirited than others). It often isn’t right or cool, but being mean doesn’t mean you’re not attracted to the person you’re contrasting.