What are F and A?
What are F and A?
Russell’s teapot.
You might think, that’s not so bad, until you discover that Russians consider onions, potatoes, carrots etc as uncountable. Of course you can’t say 5 carrots! Impossible to count them.
:))) I love these random craziness of languages. And I don’t want to know the reason behind them. Like when I learned the word for “girl” is neuter in German, I was happy but when I learned the reason, it was boring.
I swear Persian might be the easiest language there is.
The meme only covers definite articles.
I have guessed the lack of articles in Russian from the cliché! By the way, how many cases does Russian have?
In Persian we don’t even have “the”. If it’s indefinite we use the equivalent of “a”. If it’s definite we don’t use anything.
Burying the cunt of a mouse
And I guess you’re not nostalgic about me either :|
His house looked like shit!
But he killed 16 Czechoslovakians.
All of them.
My language is rtl, so… shit no!
Now that I’ve read the book, 2001 a space odyssey
this is exactly my thought. these things are not essential for living. I will use them as long as they provide some fun. if they don’t, too bad for them.
I see you’re a man of culture as well