Winning mindshare is not nothing. He made the news without hurting anyone that is a big win.
We just saw Columbia university getting -$400.000.000 because of student protesters. These actions have delayed effect.
Mosab Hassan Yousef is a pathetic Israeli spy who does not live in Palestine.
Thanks for your insight 23 hour old account.
Probably because you made all of it up.
Libertarians wanted Ross Ulbricht free in exchange for voting for Trump. Miraculously Trump came through on his word after getting elected.
When Trump told Zelensky ‘you did not say thanks’ he meant ‘where is my bribe’.
In case of Palestine, Saudi and the other Gulf state know Trumps Bitcoin address.
Clearly the moon uses metric.
Maybe. With Trump you have to ignore everything he says and only look at his actions. Maybe he thinks he can strong arm Hamas like he did for Zelensky.
Rabin was not considering peace though. He was considering how to string Palestinians along with a bad deal and keep the Apartheid in place. Rabin was selling the liberal-Zionist illusion of a peace process.
Netanyahu on the other hand tries to do the same thing but destroys Israels reputation in the process.
With someone like Rabin, Palestinians would be living under the same conditions but Saudi etc would have normalized with Israel.
Rabin knew that he could not do what Netanyahu is doing or he would destroy the Apartheids state.
+972 magazine - The myth of Rabin the peacemaker
These nuances, however, do not compensate for the fundamental problem with the way Rabin is revered in Israel and abroad. His persona as a “warrior-turned-peacemaker” is almost exclusively centered on the final four years of his life, five decades of which were defined by hawkish and militaristic views (Shimon Peres, Rabin’s rival-turned-ally, eventually received the same idolizing treatment). This cult of personality, dotingly crafted by the Zionist left in Israel and liberal Zionists in the United States, has particularly relied on a counterfactual argument: that had he not been killed, Rabin might have helped to bring about a two-state solution.
Ironically, the first person to dispute that narrative may have been Rabin himself. The words “Palestinian state” do not appear in the accords he signed, a fact that he and other Israeli officials were careful to ensure. A month before his assassination, Rabin told the Knesset that his vision was to give Palestinians “an entity which is less than a state” — a precedent to the “state-minus” advocated today by Netanyahu and outlined in Trump’s “Deal of the Century.” Rabin also insisted that the Jordan Valley would remain Israel’s “security border” — the very plan that drew international outcry this year, when Netanyahu pledged to formally annex the area.
It is not though. Columbia is probably the most genocidal pro Israel university of them all. Them getting the funding pulled is hillarious.
This is unironically awesome. Pro Palestine protesters cost Columbia genociders $400 mil!
Pump those numbers down. Those are rookie numbers.
Great work!
Not sure if this is the place for feature requests, but in the Jerboa app would it be possible to add a “upload image” button next to custom thumbnail field? Currently I upload the image in the body, then select the link from the post and put it in the custom thumbail field.
On desktop pasting an image in the custom thumbnail field is also not possible like in the post body.
Dear Kham I wrote you but you still aint callin
I left my phone number, Netanyahu’s pager, and my home phone at the bottom
I recalled from the ceasefire plan that phase 1 included all civilians and phase 2 would be the Israeli soldiers. Seeing that phase 1 is finished I assumed all the non-combatants have now been released. I will have to double check my statement, thanks for the heads up.
Angrest, a soldier, was kidnapped from his tank at the Nahal Oz base when it was attacked by Hamas. He was abducted along with fellow soldier Itay Chen, 19, who was killed in the attack.
I was indeed wrong. Phase one included women including active duty IDF soldiers. Hamas counts all males in IDF reservist age range as soldiers. Thanks for the correction
Israel cannot guarantee their safety because you know, Israel might bomb them during a ceasefire.
Le freedom of speech