Here in germany i think there’s a radio signal being transmitted on a dedicated frequency that does nothing but distribute the current time information to digital devices. It’s really useful!
Here in germany i think there’s a radio signal being transmitted on a dedicated frequency that does nothing but distribute the current time information to digital devices. It’s really useful!
I remember back when clocks were essentially sticks in the ground, you had to manually drag the sun across the sky by a few degrees to change the time. Those were the days, twice a year.
pepperidge farm remembers
Also if you have a million dollars or more and put it into the most generic stock/index imaginable, then it will grow by a few percent annually, while you do jack-ass nothing. Therefore it is only fair to introduce a wealth tax to tax these unearned-profits by maybe, let’s say 3% annually. That money could well go towards society, i.e. the people.
Have you looked behind the sofa?
The most unusual of connections indeed.
I mean, i’m all for reforming the pension-system (maybe make it backed by a wealth tax) and if China can offer any inspiration for that, then i’m all for it. But it is still highly unusual, regardless.
yeah, human language can be a bit inconsistent/imprecise at times. That is why all tech and engineering have their own language: maths; where consistent and precise descriptions are possible.
I think the only way that capitalism could survive is if progress somehow continues. That is why they’re pushing for Mars settlement so hard: Because the real growth would be progress that justifies capitalism and gives it more time to move on.
A lot of people have observed in the past that there’s always a new field of work, whenever an old one gets automated/replaced by some cheaper method of doing it.
That growth has driven demand for human labor ever since, and higher demand for labor means higher wages (since the labor market is a free market - supply and demand). Now that growth seems to be slowing down, and that makes the demand for human labor slow down, and that depresses wages. That is what people are observing now.
People are surprised because they wrongly assumed that growth would continue to be an exponential curve forever. It is not, however, it is probably closer to being a sigmoid curve.
Yeah what you’re describing, in computerized maths, is called a “local minimum”.
When you’re seeking out a global minimum of a function, such as in this example:
You might be tempted to think “well, i start somewhere, then i take one small step after another, always going downhill, until i am at the lowest point”. But what happens in practice, is that you get stuck in so called “local minimums”. For a visualization:
That is the fundamental problem with being short-sighted (i.e., taking one small step after another, always going downhill). If you really want to find the global minimum, you have to think globally. You have to apply analysis to the whole function, not just local parts of it, to find the best spot.
I think you fundamentally misunderstand how companies are thinking.
They are thinking “well, if i pay my workers 10% less, surely they have 10% less money to spend, and that means they buy fewer products, and that hurts revenue, but they probably buy some other company’s products anyway, so that’s other company’s loss, not mine.”
companies aren’t so much an organized hivemind as people seem to be thinking. A lot of them are literally competing against one another, and they don’t care whether other businesses struggle because they pay their employees less.
Why would you want to not use Android? Can’t you just de-google your android if that’s your concern? Android is made for mobile devices.
IIRC you can do exactly that with the Nintendo Switch (carry it around like a handheld until you plug it into the TV and it becomes a stationary console), though i’ve never had a Switch myself so i don’t know for sure.
While interesting, that’s not really news.
I have been running bash
linux commands on my android device back in 2016 via Termux. it worked perfectly fine back then already, you could apt install
applications and python3
your script.
The problem is with other things. Android is dedicated to being actually usable on touch-screen devices. Installing desktop apps on Android would un-do that effect, so i guess it wouldn’t make a lot of sense.
I think they are called Topfenknödel in German, i remember my family making them as well, served with jam, they are delicious!
If you want my honest opinion, listen to what your feelings tell you. Don’t let people tell you what is “right” or “wrong”, as these are often meaningless concepts in relationships. Be responsible, but also: be happy.
fire in the skirt area
that could be a good porn movie 🤔
the cool thing is that it will give these “christian” dictators in the US something to do, other than destroying earth, that will hopefully distract them from destroying earth in the first place. and conveniently, it would also send them very, very far away, with low chance of them ever returning, i hope.
(m)Elon, 62
enjoy the headspace images
keep posting these, these are good somehow, i couldn’t come up with that myself.