Very interesting concept! Thanks for sharing. I work (adjacently) in risk management and this nicely summarizes a thought I’ve always felt in the background but didn’t know how exactly to explain.
Very interesting concept! Thanks for sharing. I work (adjacently) in risk management and this nicely summarizes a thought I’ve always felt in the background but didn’t know how exactly to explain.
Agreed! And less buggy. 2 weeks ago the servers were constantly crashing or the apps were glitching out. You can see the progress day by day.
Man, that doesn’t resonate with me at all. I don’t think there is any point to living other than just enjoying your time here. Sure, work when necessary to be able to afford the necessities, develop some skills to be able to afford a few luxuries, but honestly just do things that make you happy. Self-improvement as a reason to live seems awful. If you’re unable to improve, are you a failure? If you’re already happy as you are, should you just end it?
Comments are emptier, but I feel like they’re more relevant. To comment is an actual response and discussion, not just the same joke with the expected replies on every thread.
I’m reading the savage detectives by Bolaño. I read it about 6 months ago and haven’t stopped thinking about it. Re-reading it now in Spanish to help practice the language and it’s great. He writes pretty simply and i can’t put it down!
This is a great resource, thank you! Interesting to like that there was an impact over the past 2 days, but it looks like it’s going back up to normal today. I guess we need to wait until the end of the month to see what happens with apps shutting down and subs continuing/going back to blackouts. Hopefully this wasn’t just a one time, 2-day reduction in traffic.
Agree, tap to expand and hold to hide makes more sense to me too.
I don’t thing it’s location specific. It’s more like a pie chart where it’s grouping the similar land typess together and then arbitrarily placing them on the US map.