I usually love and prefer the goofy look of old SciFi, but seeing the brutalist, utilitarian aesthetics of the tech in the two newest Dune movies convinced me of that the new designs can be awesome when done right.
I usually love and prefer the goofy look of old SciFi, but seeing the brutalist, utilitarian aesthetics of the tech in the two newest Dune movies convinced me of that the new designs can be awesome when done right.
Neuromancer being made by a MegaCorp is somewhat ironic
I teach technology in Denmark. I am so glad I convinced the school administrators to let me buy a bunch of refurbished Thinkpads and throw Linux on them, instead of being roped into either Google or Microsoft hell like so many other schools. The students seem to enjoy using the machines too (especially after they discovered Minetest).
God damn it. Heretics is the book in the series that would work best as a movie. But I can also see why he wouldn’t dare try to turn God Emperor into a movie that wouldn’t flop.
Blender is such a great piece of software. I have been having a blast learning it!