Well you would need the vector to predict that not just the speed (which they likely have, didn’t see it in the article), but pretty cool nonetheless
Well you would need the vector to predict that not just the speed (which they likely have, didn’t see it in the article), but pretty cool nonetheless
Pretty cool they were able to measure the change in velocity of an object 6 million miles away with millmeter/second resolution. Not cool that it only slowed down a few mm/second though
She was shot 3 times, one of them puncturing the aorta
How about people just stop voting her into office?
I got really frustrated at reddit for constantly questioning why she won’t retire, when the reality is we should be questioning why we keep voting her into office.
The sentiment is spreading to here.
Right? I imagine people who own this thing dont give a fuck about that tho
It isn’t “free,” in the sense that the energy is part of regular climate cycles. Wind farms, for example, will disrupt downstream climate patterns if deployed at large scale and in concentrated areas.
It isn’t “free,” in the sense that the energy is part of regular climate cycles. Wind farms, for example, will disrupt downstream climate patterns if deployed at large scale and in concentrated areas.
Hydro Pump
-You’re fighting Gyarados
The person said they never used twitter
People were so hyped about apps that hadn’t been released and I hadn’t even heard of. I found it super weird, so this is funny.
Idk, I used Apollo for r*ddit and use Wefwef for Lemmy. I’m doing okay
I should start a Shark Therapy business
Those words don’t make sense to someone new to this
Whats an RSS feed?
Gotta wonder what he looks like now
Why are you even sharing this racist fuckwads ideas
You will enjoy a career of mediocre happiness, finding yourself being a subject matter expert between those close to yourself in your immediate profession.
You should be wary of foods and lifestyle habits as you are prone to heart risks.
The full moon has an increased effect on your emotional wellbeing, and you should focus on trying to be an early riser due to the detriments of late night activities.
You may strongly benefit from social outings and adventures with friends, but be cautious as the toll of engaging with others can impact your capability to recover and subsequently accomplish acute, necessary goals.
-Me, a first time palm reader
My panties were starting to twist
The app I use (PictureThis) says it is a Spanish Lime