I’m the same age as Taylor and I see at least one of my peers attending her concerts every week on social media. Her reach right now is insane.
I like video games :)
I’m the same age as Taylor and I see at least one of my peers attending her concerts every week on social media. Her reach right now is insane.
He should have his medical license revoked as well
There was a guy a few years ago who spent $40k on Nintendo stock in order to ask about a new F-Zero in a shareholder meeting. They said no at the time but we did get F-Zero 99 last year so maybe he did make an impact.
It’s also odd because of Xbox’s recent push to boost market share in Japan. Why would they close their only Japanese studio?
A home for Hobbits
I’m playing the original Phantasy Star via the SEGA Ages version on Switch. Very much enjoying the simplicity of an 8-bit RPG, but it’s amazing to see how much they were able to push the Sega Master System to its limits.
Also trudging through Dirge of Cerberus on PS2. It’s clunky and jank as hell but I love the atmosphere.
Just got my copy of the reprint for Switch 😋
A few years back in Massachusetts actually, the taxpayers hit an annual threshold cap and the state had to refund some of the money to those who filed.
I keep getting him mixed up with Hope from FFXIII
Imagine Microsoft makes the Kinect mandatory again.
I would love to but I mainly watch YouTube and other video content on my living room TV. That’s probably a barrier for a lot of us.
Thank you for clarifying- still want to get back in for some Splatoon 1 before the end
So I’m a huge fan of The Smiths…
Exactly- though I did trade up my OG PS2 for a slim back in the day. The OG had served its time (~5 years) and was ready to go.
Saw that but these won’t work on the new model so I doubt they make more. Unless of course they’re for the revision but I don’t know how that’d work with the new design.
I’m flashing back to Xbox 360 faceplates.
As a die-hard, I bought it Day 1 and got my $70 worth. But after I 100%'d it and looked at my recently played, I realized the only other game was Chicory which I played around Christmas time…
You’re not wrong. In a year where there are entirely too many great releases on all consoles, I’ve only played two on my PS5 (Street Fighter 6 & Final Fantasy XVI)
Not much reason to replace my current one, but many reasons to pick up OG console covers now if they’re going to be phased out in November.
Dislike it if ya dislike it!
Drunk cycling is a large part of why I quit booze six years ago.