Same with GPUs. Man as an amd owner I also want to play with the cool AI kids without hassle
Same with GPUs. Man as an amd owner I also want to play with the cool AI kids without hassle
A more distinguished way of tagging would be interesting: Like NSFW for porn and NSFL for gore and let’s say NSFH (not safe for health) for alcohol and tobacco etc.
I really enjoy your transparency and style of communication!
Oh man. This comment section will become a civil war.
I want to move to a selfhosted instance once I can migrate my account. Anyone knows if this feature will be implemented ?
Yea and no. There are a lot of drivers on earth. We are talking about hundreds of millions, quite possibly even billions of drivers. Even if only 1% of all of them are bad drivers, it is is still a lot. You will also only see videos of bad drivers because filming a good or even a normal driver is just boring. A guy parking normally, respecting the speedlimit etc. will never go viral. Mind the bias !
Yeah. I’m currently using google colab but it is sometimes a bit of a hassle.
I’m currently planning to resume using it and maybe I will get a cheap second hand card by pure luck.