If you aren’t already aware, there’s a dedicated Skyrim mods community over at skyrimmods@lemmy.world.
But to answer your question - I’ve been using Populated Skyrim: Hell Edition in my latest playthrough, and it’s awesome how much more alive the world feels. Plus, having more bandits and adventurers on the road makes for some pretty awesome spontaneous encounters.
I also love skyrimlazz’s castle mods for late-game dwellings.
Just installed today from IzzyOnDroid, and I happened to get the updated version! Looks awesome so far. The icon looks great and Material You is working well, IMO. I’ve got two initial thoughts/pieces of feedback to share as an Android user:
I’m not a huge fan of having my community list in the side drawer. Android’s gesture nav implementation makes opening side drawers a bit of a chore, and most apps have shifted to entirely bottom navigation.
Instead, I’d suggest putting the community list underneath the search bar in the Search tab on the bottom. As is, that space goes unused when a search isn’t in progress, and it’s also a design convention adopted by a number of reddit/lemmy clients already (Jerboa, for example).
With the community list taken care of, the only remaining item in the side drawer would be post scope (i.e. Subscribed, Local, or All). I feel like those options could be rolled into a separate section of the Sort button on the top app bar, or a separate button entirely (in fact, you could just replace the hamburger button!)
Besides that, I personally think that comment text is rather small, and I’d like an option to make it bigger.
Keep up the great work! 👏