• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Yes I’d say so. I get where you’re coming from but I don’t think it’s an excuse not to make decisions. Quite the opposite in fact.

    I think of it like this: if you think you’re smart, you expect to make best choice for every decision. So in tough situations, where there is no “right” choice, you beat yourself up about not doing better. If you accept you’re stupid, you’re willing to settle for the least wrong and accept failiure.

    The same goes for interacting with others. Don’t expect others to make the best choice, as they’re stupid too, so you might find a better solution. But if you did not find one and they didn’t, well, they’re stupid, so of course they did not. Can’t blame them really.

    I’m no native speaker so perhaps stupid and smart are the wrong words in this context. Perhaps fallible and infallible are better suited.

  • Only if they think they aren’t stupid themselves. I think everybody, including me, in past and present (and most likely in the future) is stupid.

    I mean we’ve got more or less the same brain people in the stone ages had and are trying to solve problems in the microcomputing age. Of course we’re going to make mistakes and most ideas we have about the universe or society are probably wrong. And of course we’ll repeat the mistakes of our ancestors.

    So I don’t think thinking of someone as stupid is bad, just assuming you’re less stupid is.

    Sorry I get equally worked up over the assumption that people aren’t stupid.

  • A fellow cs mayor I see, no I apreciate the thoroughness. You are right I was trying to put it in laymans terms and might have been a little to cursory.

    I gotta disagree on the pseudo randomness tho. At least in linux /dev/random generates its entropy pool by using device drivers. So there is no simple algorithm behind it where you can copy a seed. So you would have to to copy the system state and all external events happening (eg. the ethernet network traffic) to generate the same output.