I’d rather say that it’s “learning from history of similar services”. Facebook also seemed nice in the beginning.
I’d rather say that it’s “learning from history of similar services”. Facebook also seemed nice in the beginning.
You need to buy an Apple-branded computer to use it (at least legally). It’s price is just included in the device you buy.
Still I am surprised that they got a fine at all, considering that Amazon is rarely used in Poland in general.
I don’t think that this is related to Wayland.
I did! Don’t expect too much stability out of it, but I was surprised to say that the latest version worked pretty stable and nicely for me. I can definitely recommend it.
Unpopular opinion: non-pro can handle the OS just fine and then some. Try out SailfishOS (unfortunately not OSS) - it’s as smooth as butter. Or UBPorts - it works great (unfortunately both Sailfish and UBPorts aren’t as polished when it comes to actual hardware support on PinePhone, but they show nicely what could be done). I don’t think I even need to mention Sxmo, which is no surprise that it works great, but its approach is definitely not for everyone.
It’s just Gnome/Plasma that are mainly developed for “big” computers and are pretty wasteful. But the situation is definitely improving.
Yes, it aired on TV here
It’s mandated by the EU: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:52021XC1229(06) (see point 6a).
Matrix works, but it’s way harder and more expensive to selfhost than for example XMPP, which can be hosted even on cheapest VPS or first RPi. I would definitely take the cost and “how hard is it to maintain in the long run” into consideration.
Mattermost also works and is pretty easy to selfhost, but it doesn’t have federation.
Another option is always an email with delta.chat - I don’t think it offers voice calling, but email is one of the most basic services one can host, and many automated solutions to help with that exist.
Vim/Emacs/… starter kits achieve the same experience.
Which Vim/Emacs/… starter kit sets up the same keyboard navigation model as Helix uses? I think that it’s its main strength, the selection -> action approach, which is quite intuitive (at least for me once I’ve tried) is what really matters in Helix. The rest is just an addition, the one that makes it a quite competent and convenient environment to work with, but an addition.
Not if you’re willing to flash your own firmware, what is often possible: https://tasmota.github.io/docs/ (and others)
Most of the time it requires opening the switch and connecting to the serial port that’s inside more or less exposed. Nothing especially difficult, but can be a little intimidating at first. It’s not easy to fail, though, and those switches are so cheap that even if you manage to break it somehow then the loss is not great.
I think most people can believe that he knows something about manufacturing, but almost everyone doubts that he “knows more than anyone currently alive on this planet”. Those are quite different things.