@illectrility @Vej Solid backpack, but not a CCW backpack in any capacity
I’m an advocate for digital privacy, better cycling infrastructure (and culture), linux using nerd, who listens to all kinds of music
he/him, ally
@illectrility @Vej Solid backpack, but not a CCW backpack in any capacity
@Vej I would look at the Vertx Gamut backpack! I’m not a fan of this American company that tries to act all macho and patriotic while manufacturing their stuff who knows where, because they just say “imported”. Instead of “Made in China” or “This is our partner factory in Vietnam at this specific address”.
You’re not gonna find a CCW bag without Velcro to be honest, that’s how you attach the holster. But the gamut seems easy to clean out and none of the Velcro is exposed to the exterior
@7heo @sleepybisexual Yeah I addressed this in another comment, it’s dumb to say “this is objectively the best”.
Buy I stand by Victorinox’s quality! Have you see the Swisstool Spirit MX Clip? The tolerances and fitment are better than Leatherman tools according to many youtubers. Gerber is shite. I do wish Victorinox had more one handed models, and pivots you could disassemble like LM.
Anecdotally, my Mountaineer is shaving sharp, and I’ve batoned it through firewood and it’s still that sharp
@yojimbo Yes, the 91/58mm Victorinoxes are uniquely non-threatening and that’s valuable. I assume no matter what they do, that style will always be available.
The idea that knives aren’t allowed AT ALL in many places is asinine to me. I can understand courthouses, and blade length restrictions for some govt buildings, but entire university campuses? Hilarious! My SAK comes in handy on campus sometimes.
@edc btw, I realize this post might have a little advertising smell. but yeah obviously to be clear that’s not the case. I just know it’s a knife a lot of people appreciate, and would also be annoyed if people bought a Japanese knife made in China by companies that don’t even have the right to use the name
@loudWaterEnjoyer @wren A lot of people have been asking about the skill toys and wren has already answered what they are for many times. I think wren’s assuming that the person who said “all for a fidget toy” has already read the other messages and is just being disingenuous.