Science it’s what plants crave!
Science it’s what plants crave!
What exactly has Warren accomplished?
Laughs at your healthy diet. Like Cheetos for vitamin C and vitamin A comes from Applebee’s? God favorite fruit!
Pass a law taxing windfall profits of “the food business” then give a tax credit to Americans who made less than a million dollars? You know or fucking try anything instead of nothing and what we are currently doing that hasn’t worked since 1980.
Another tragic victim of Kevin Sorbo’s Disease .
Hey man, it’s your neighbor, I hate to tell you this but there isn’t any kids in that house anymore the entire family perished in a fire a year ago. The whole block has been quiet since.
The amount of smart people who don’t understand this is mind boggling.
Lemmy world is the worst. Anytime I see a trash post that’s where it comes from 9/10.
I believe they ment “If you disagree in spite of evidence.”
Lol beat me by 15m
Dear Dr. Leg your mind is made up cool. Good luck with your crusade. Why don’t you get back to asking important questions now like weather a woman would rather fuck a sparkling vampire or a tan werewolf?
Because the stereotype of crossing the street when heading towards a black men isn’t a thing? Just because you don’t believe it don’t make it untrue. I bet if you’d honestly be surprised. But your probably still shocked when a priest molests a child.
Name anything significant that changed with “peaceful protest” shit nothing changes when right-wing nut jobs stormed Congress.
Yeah who gives a fuck im blacked out at least once Month for more than 4 minutes. And nobody even notices.
Uhhh guys, this is kinda racist.
I heard he is going to recreate the tequila foot scene from dusk til dawn but with bRad.
I like this song better when Bo Burnham did it.