I am playing this toghether with my kids.
I won’t miss the creeper
I am playing this toghether with my kids.
I won’t miss the creeper
I don’t think that’s the job of Valve.
They tried to push Linux gaming a decade ago by providing a Linux distribution optimized for gaming and invited hardware vendors to sell machines with that distri.
At that time a gaming optimized distribution was hardly needed, so they were pioneers at the time.
And they still maintain their SteamOS, although it is only supported on Steam Decks.
But there has so many happened since then. Gaming Hardware is working from Day 1 with Linux. Proton - wich is supported by Valve - is supporting latest games on Linux, mostly from Day 1. At least if the developers don’t actively sabotage it.
As a result we don’t have that one SteamOS distribution which would ultimately put us in dependece from Valve. We have several different gaming optimized distributions that you can use.
It’s great that Valve does so much for Linux gaming, but I don’t want them to manage everything.
That’s a great initiative.
I haven’t bought games from big publishers as EA or Ubi for years because of this issue.
Time for Star Wars season.
I will check out Paradox’ Millenia as well as Homeworld 3
If you want to avoid the hassle that it takes to set up a Microsoft account you may try Minetest instead of Minecraft.
It’s an free and Open Source reimplementation that needs no Java, and the game mode “Mineclone” is very close to the original.
Regardings RTS I can recommend Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance
I you want to try out a business simulation you may look at OpenTTD which is free (and free of ads) over Steam.
And don’t forget Among Us.
No one is even using Netflix’ games.
Thay just make sure it will stay so.
Great words: “Enjoy these games”
I did the mistake to back this project on Kickstarter. So I can tell you it’s not a great loss.
Wasn’t this the case with any other Rockstar game before?
I played the Hobbit and Ninjago the Movie together with my kids Both are very cool.
My kids play Lego City on the switch, and have much fun with too.
especially if he has additional health issues he should go for his vaccine. Of course it’s not a guarantee, but it lowers the risk for a serious illness significantly.
And it’s still not an excuse to stay away from a courtroom.
Thanks mate. I love you too :)
That’s funny how they spell “moral rot”.
Maybe because they inteded to launch later?
Just vaccine and all be good.
Yep, the components. I see redstone and switches.
But I don’t know those stones that lift the boat up.
Which elemnts did you use? And are they available in Minetest too?
exactly that was my thought on Borderlands 3.
And after gatting it for free my realisation was that it even is the worst part in the whole series. Not bad, but the story isn’t that overwhelming as the stories in BL1 or BL2 had been.
to disagree slightly: there were many different stores and lunchers before Epic even existed. Apart from Steam I have bought games and other digital goods on Gog, Humble and the now- extinct Desura. While totally avoiding the stores from companies as Ubi or Ea because they just suck.
Having an addititional account wasn’t the big issue. There were already attemts to integrade several libs into one launcher, and if not you can at least run the start commands for that games out of steam.
What was sucking from the beginning was that arrogance of this sweeny guy, his promises of hot air, and his telling us of being the great saviour for all developers - while we as paying custemers were fed up with this bad launcher that is still missing every user interaction.
In the end not even the developers have profited from the store. Sales are not as promised, and in order to release a game on this platform sweeny blackmails you to give away older titles for free.
Thanks. I already had my portion of phun.
can we have the creeper back?