I’m whiter than a fucking sheet of paper, and I wanna say fuck you KKKumSSKKKin. KKKraKKKerSS delenda est.
Hiya, I am ejra212 [he/him/his], and I’m generally friendly, but if you’re a KKKraKKKer or a KKKumSSKKKin, then prepare for my wrath. I will avoid debate perverts like the plague. Don’t like it? Then fuck off. I’ve got problems in life, okay? Can’t deal with faSSciSStSS.
I’m whiter than a fucking sheet of paper, and I wanna say fuck you KKKumSSKKKin. KKKraKKKerSS delenda est.
Rot in PiSS Nazi KKKunt.
In the authoritarian land of Britain, you can be hateful, but when someone calls you out, they can be silenced by threatening them with kangaroo trials. They even force you to apologize at the point of cancelling you and your career.
Sorry for my poor attempt of a Park Yeonmi style comment.
Jesus, for someone who hates antisemitism, she sure loves to defend holocaust denial and make fucking antisemitic depictions. And this is what the neoliberal media likes in Britain?! She’s also a transphobic KKKunt as well as a KKKumSSKKKin. God, she’s like fucking ISSn’trael like how she acts bigoted, and when called out, she shouts sexist or KKKancel KKKulture, but will happily use those against her adversaries. She actually needs the Communist treatment for TERFs and actual antisemites.
Thank you very glad, I thought I was too angry for hexbear and lemmygrad comrade.
For gods sake, I hate neoliberal articles. I mean, this article says if you are a literal transphobe, then you apparently defend “women’s sports,” but anti-zionism is apparently “repugant.” No wonder I keep saying death to AmeriKKKa and the FirSSt world.
I hope that I don’t sound too angry sorry.
and make it all the UKKK politicians.
I wish that trans people had the sort of power she thinks they have. Get in the you stupid KKKraKKKer. I’ll personally do it my self, headfirst along with her comrades with the same treatment.
Ah, Stalin was right about social democracy being the “moderate wing of fascism.”