Hell no, having OTP in the browser kinda defeats all 2FA and makes it 1FA again.
Hell no, having OTP in the browser kinda defeats all 2FA and makes it 1FA again.
If you like command line: TaskWarrior has due and recurring tasks and weighted priorities and more. There are also some frontends under Tools, search for GUI, but to me they are more cumbersome than CLI. If you’re into Vim then vit might come handy.
See also Recurring tasks with taskwarrior.
OP seems to be on a crusade, cross-posting this to 4 lemmy communities.
Anyway, this: https://github.com/organicmaps/organicmaps/issues/6773#issuecomment-1838123926
As Jean said, it will have a setting to toggle the Kayak integration and it will be opt-in (disabled by default) to avoid an Anti-Feature on F-Droid.
Session is crypto-bro-shit.
So many to choose from… https://bkil.gitlab.io/secuchart/
Mod posting off-topic …
I heard good things about Geany.
% curl ipinfo.io/ip
curl: (7) Failed to connect to ipinfo.io port 80 after 25 ms: Connection refused
% curl https://ipinfo.io/ip
curl: (7) Failed to connect to ipinfo.io port 443 after 29 ms: Connection refused
They suck and apparently block curl (and lynx and elinks) from dynamic IP, it works in Firefox or on a server with static IP.
Another one is ifconfig.me/ip so
curl https://ifconfig.me/ip
that works.
So they actually don’t need a car, just infotainment. A couch without wheels would do.
It’s good sense, regardless of the jurisdiction of a specific Lemmy instance.
A jealous partner seeing the car where it shouldn’t had been is enough, isn’t it? Or the boss where the worker should had been elsewhere, or… Inhabitants of small districts also don’t need a license plate database to know.
Careful, mode 2 means reject all or fall back to accept all if there is no Reject All button. So use that only if cookies are disabled or otherwise controlled, for example by an AddOn like Cookie AutoDelete. If not, rather use mode 1 that hits only a Reject All button if available but ignores others.
See https://community.mozilla.org/de/campaigns/firefox-cookie-banner-handling/ and https://github.com/mozilla/cookie-banner-rules-list
Whatever client you use, there is no privacy with Discord. Period. Full stop.