Interesting piece. Thanks for sharing 🙏
Full time nerd
Interesting piece. Thanks for sharing 🙏
Specifically pointing out men’s opinion, maybe?
Yeah looking back, this isn’t my best take probably. As you say though, it is a free service.
You can, but only 10 images per hour. You’d be doing some wild shit to go over those 10 per hour.
This must be satire
I played the shit out of BF2042 when it launched. Liz TGM was bae, is bae and will stay bae.
I’ve been back on a Battlefield 2042 ‘grind’. I don’t think it deserves the hate it gets.
Wait now hold on a minute. Why would I want to do this? Is this activism by people against LLMs in general or…? I’m confused as to why I would want to do this.
Oh interesting, didn’t think of Graphics drivers getting in the way. It’ll go on a Framework laptop, most if not everything should work ootb… ~famous last words~
For women
of childbearing age? It DOES.
brother this has nothing to do with my post 😂
Multiple people seem to have had problems with audio
Thank I’ll check it out
Oh right, I forgot. Ahem… REDDIT?! HERESY!!1!
Ok are we using sexism to excuse sexism now? How about no