Meine Mutter kocht Marmeladen und dafür sind solche kleineren Gläser wiederum besser geeignet: Man muss nicht 2 Wochen lang dieselbe Sorte essen, um zu vermeiden, dass der Inhalt schlecht wird.
Just a corn on the internet.
Use the matrix contact @einkorn:tchncs.de for private messages (Lemmy stores DMs in plain text).
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Meine Mutter kocht Marmeladen und dafür sind solche kleineren Gläser wiederum besser geeignet: Man muss nicht 2 Wochen lang dieselbe Sorte essen, um zu vermeiden, dass der Inhalt schlecht wird.
Ich denke dabei eher an so ein Glas:
An orbit sander either requires a flat surface, or it will involuntarily create one.
I want to remove the grime and leftover bark pieces and later apply some finish to bring out the texture.
I know it is reassuring to believe there is some form of higher power, be it religious or in your case some form of deep state waiting to spring into action but the simple through is: There is no one coming to save us from ourselves.
It sounds cliché but: Be the change you want to see. You don’t have to become the next Luigi or otherwise “give yourself to the cause” but simply do what is within your means. Help where you can readily do so and even if you have to participate in the system you can do so in the least efficient way possible.
Even better you can also do a GDPR to change your email. The GDPR doesn’t just cover your right to deletion but also the right to correct wrong information.
“Even if you show it was deliberate, it’s extremely unlikely you’ll find a paper trail linking the incident to a state actor,”
Well, then don’t and simply throw the book at the crew. Recruitment numbers for such missions will drop significantly once the grunts hear they are being put behind bars for years in a foreign land.
Who knew that Trump can’t run the government like one of his companies? At least for now…
Die Problematik bei deinem Vergleich ist, dass es eine übergeordnete Stelle zur Konfliktlösung in Form der Eltern gibt. Zwischen Staaten existiert keine.
Wir können uns den lieben langen Tag einreden, dass es ja Organisationen wie die UN oder den ICC gibt, aber an Ende des Tages, sitzt Russland im Sicherheitsrat und unser Bundeskanzler in Spe hat schon angekündigt, den Haftbefehl gegen Netanjahu nicht durchsetzen zu wollen.
Als ob Reaktionäre präventiv handeln könnten.
I don’t think Romania will be the only one to do it. There was no due process (did he get to appeal?) for the Georgescu so I wouldn’t really put that much faith in charges against him.
Was there? I am not deeply invested in the matter, so my knowledge of the situation is only superficial. But generally speaking, annulling the result of the first round of a run-off is not equal to cancelling a whole election. The question the supreme court answered was not “Did Georgescu cheat” but “was there so much external interference as to question the results’ validity”. If people disagree with this decision, they have to appeal or sue and make their case, which includes Georgescu and also other candidates or any other citizen for that matter.
As for the charges: Due process is going to court in this case. See above.
I trust Romanian government even less now after they released Tate because Trump asked them to.
On a moral level, I highly contest this decision as well. But looking at real world politics: The power imbalance is just too great to ignore. This is the same situation as when Putin visited Mongolia: Yes, he should have been arrested and handed over to the ICC. But realistically, the repercussions for Mongolia would have been too severe to handle.
when liberals pretending to be centrists can rule indefinitely? […] stagnation will lead to even bigger knee-jerk reactions from general population later on
These two points somewhat contradict each other. If the majority of the population wants these people in power, why would there be some knee-jerk reaction?
This sounds a lot like a video by Matthias Wandel who builds a lot of custom tools but also sells building instructions.
I was talking about western governments in general.
I am not sure where you see democracy suspended in general?
Except for Romania’s supreme court annulling the results of the recent election because of massive Russian interference and Ukraine postponing elections due to the ongoing war, I am not aware of any other western government doing such thing.
it’s now „alarming” how people vote for anything other than those parties.
This aspect highly depends on which country we are talking about, due to different voting mechanisms. The worst offender in this category is clearly the US where the ‘first past the post’ system mathematically results in a two party system.
Here in Germany, we held elections this Sunday on the 23rd. One notable outcome of this election was a near doubling of votes for the left party “Die Linke” compared to last election, which was projected to lose all of their previous seats, which were not many to begin with. This increase was a direct result of conservatives choosing to work with the far-right AFD party before the election. So people actually are voting depending on issues and not just out of habit.
I assumed you were talking about Romania. I just used Trump as an example just because it’s such a blatant lie used to instil fear.
They can’t apply tarrifs to Romania, only the EU as a whole
but they also suspended democracy so that Putin doesn’t get a weirdo in power.
Is democracy truly suspended if the supposed will of the people has been moulded by a hostile outside force?
If a majority of people are truly of the opinion that they do not want immigrants living next to them, I’d argue that’s regrettable but in the end a valid opinion. If they hold this opinion because someone feeds them lies such as “immigrants are eating the cats and dogs”, is that still their free will?
Firstly: Why does the US have a say in that?
Secondly: Separation from the US new imperialistic ambitions starts at the personal level. Use Deepl instead of Google for translations. The quality is better as well.
A minority government of Red-Green-Red (SPD, Grüne, Linke) would force the conservatives to either work productively with the other democratic parties or side with the fascists of the AFD. It would basically boil down to whether or not Merz will do again what he promised he wouldn’t do (working with the AFD). Should he do that, I very much expect the CDU to “decapitate” itself by splitting from left to right: The MAGA people around Merz, Linnemann, Spahn and Dobrindt get ousted by the traditional conservatives.
Von Trump lernen heißt siegen lernen!
And the average AFD voter seems to struggle with the 2D version. If you want to be a racist nationalist, at least support someone who isn’t bought by a foreign power.