only real gamers could use this all day and forget to use it once.
only real gamers could use this all day and forget to use it once.
Was curious about this game and sent a request. No biggie if it doesn’t work but just wanted to say thanks for doing this, especially in such a clear polite manner :)
I don’t really have a stake in this race because it’s quite a dilemma (personally I like the idea of Graphene supporting more devices with varying security promises) but I’d imagine between buying a 2nd hand Pixel or exclusively using Google services, Google would rather people do the latter.
They simply make more out of data gathering and GrapheneOS sidessteps that, so as a user I’m leaning towards the former so I can more readily degoogle myself.
Might just be me but I think this looks cool/cute af especially with the little plush
exactly, not everyone has time to stop everything and watch a random 20 minute video from a thread based on essentially “trust me bro”
especially with a vague and borderline clickbait title. To prove a point, I’m going to watch it at some point and I can almost guarantee i can either summarise it or provide a synopsis.
Llama Compass.
Tag yourselves: I’m Bottom-Dorsal Right-Transverse (Not Bottom-Transverse, those guys are nuts)
May be a minor bug but was a big fix for me! Thank you MV-GH and everyone involved for making this happening in a speedy manner :)
be warned, it’ll give you unearned optimism about how responsible you are to revisit the tabs you saved but will never see the light of day again.
Source: someone who’s disappointed in themselves
After the following years, I’ve quietly taken the whole “this is when we diverged into the darkest timeline” schtick an iota more seriously. It’s been a strange 8 years.
anyone who was planning to not even understand, let alone use, statistics in psych of all disciplines should seek a different vocation.
It’s literally the only way to make sense and genuine progress, especially compared to those 20th century old rich dudes who were high af, used anecdotes, derived causal effect from correlations, and made “findings” that reinforced their own biases and beliefs.
Do everything right, and the number’s won’t lie to you. It’s never wrong, it’s just unexplained.
but because Kevin Conroy, I got it anyways.
Corporate greed ruins yet another thing I love.
I admire the late Conroy as much as the next guy but my brother in christ this mindset is exactly what fuels this level of quality by directly justifying it via your purchase.
You can’t solely blame these corporation if you continue to behave in ways that to support and incentivises them to utilise these strategies.
I love not knowing what the hell’s going on
I fucking cry everytime, the word flour has never been the same since I’ve watched this lovely film
Because about 10 years ago, those Safari/IE weren’t 1. as smooth/simple as Chrome and 2. everyone on the internet bar the tech nerds were pushing for Chrome. Firefox was viewed in the same light as Linux in my circles.
It was a meme that the only use IE had was to download Chrome. It’s not that crazy when you realise the power of word-of-mouth and the meeting the general population’s needs for simplicity and google-search integration/features
If you want to travel fast, go alone; but if you want to travel far, go together.
It’s one of those African proverbs with an unknown origin but their emphasis on community has always been a guiding principle for me.
That Psykos page is dangerous
Usually it appears that way (like I was surprised some posts had 0 likes/favourites), but when I click on the post or go to the original source - it shows a higher number.
I just assumed that instances don’t automatically gather likes as readily as boosts.
Design is a cycle between 3D/gradients/sharp edges to 2D/flat colors/rounded corners.
Design preferences has a tendency to be “cyclical” appearing to be tiresome. That’s fine and an encouraged strength of customisablility.
The issue is unified design language across android devices. Material You attempts to solve this to limited success. But it’s better than the alternatives I’ve seen in the past.
The over-padding (especially default widgets) is something I take issue with but it’s a preference and can easily be adjusted.
I love reading patch notes and saying to myself “Huh, didn’t know you could do that”.
Can’t believe I’m saying this but keen to be in outer lanes and try the changes.