Saying that costs nothing. It would have been a hell of a lot more impressive if he hadn’t worked so hard to stack the court and put us in this situation to begin with. Fuck you, Mitch.
Saying that costs nothing. It would have been a hell of a lot more impressive if he hadn’t worked so hard to stack the court and put us in this situation to begin with. Fuck you, Mitch.
Bwahahahahahahahaaaaaa! Loser!
Governor Caillou sucks.
Found under F, for fiction. Also for fuck that noise. Cults suck.
Obscure keyboard shortcuts.
I’ve been thinking exactly the same thing. Facebook, Twitter and Reddit. Each of them a complete shit show of disinformation and censorship. Blogs and personal web sites are pretty much dead. It’s getting harder and harder for anyone without buckets of money to stand on equal ground.
Long term memories are stored in the hypothalamus as you sleep at night.
Smells are tied to more primitive structures in in the brain. I’m a little rusty on why it makes the memories so strong, but there’s quite a bit of research out on that one.
Trauma is also encoded differently, but there’s a lot of garbage research that muddies the waters on that particular subject.
I hate using most apps on my phone. It’s not that I’m a curmudgeon. I’m a developer, and I don’t see any good reason for so many damned apps when a browser works just fine.
We’d get there faster if we got rid of farming alfalfa and golf courses.