You can dip in with the essentials package for €80 though (perhaps even this is the type of thing they bundle with stuff so you might find a free licence key for it somewhere). They might also offer a crossgrade price if you contact them. I got a great crossgrade offer from Presonus when I decided to start using Studio One. I just had to prove my ownership of another DAW (I sent them a Reason 10 receipt I think).
Partially because the Hapax has more generative stuff, but also the more expansive layout looks like it’ll be even faster to work with
It seems like snap is a bit of a disaster. I have a VM running Ubuntu for testing some things and ended up completely removing snap it was taking up so much space.
This week I’ve been focused on mixing my next EP. Will probably spend next week doing the same 😁
Welcome! Nice setup! I see you also have the incredible Pyramid Squarp 😊 I love it. In fact even considering upgrading to their newer sequencer.
I print and bind the manual for any hardware I buy. Whilst undoubtedly I can discover a lot of the functionality just from experience, there’s usually some stuff that you discover from the manual that just isn’t the sort of thing you find out by chance 😊
Never tried the MPC stuff though (beyond a day with the Force before it had disk streaming), so can’t give any specific recommendations…
Cool. Also if you need funds towards hosting costs, I can manage a small monthly contribution.
I noticed the main Irish mastodon instance uses this - looks very interesting (perhaps longer term)
Let me know if you ever need help with server admin stuff. I’m not an expert, but did web dev for 15 years and still comfortable enough on the old Linux CLI.
At the moment I’m leaning towards the Maschine+
I have to sell my 1010music Blackbox first though…
Ah cool, yeah the wireless thing probably wouldn’t be so important as it would probably sit in the same spot all the time 😁
Guess we should go ahead and start an Autechre community here so 😁
Hehe, that was me 😁
I can definitely see the appeal. Perhaps when I have some cash to spare I’ll look at it again 😊👍
Whilst I did learn piano for a few years, I’ve been so used to programming/sequencing/generating notes that keys feel like too much of a space sacrifice 😁 There are some times I do wish to have a two or three octaves mini keyboard for sketching out ideas, but that desire is so infrequent I never get around to buying something 😂
Elektron Analog Four/Digitone/Digitakt Soma Pulsar 23 Nord Drum 3p 1010music Lemondrop ASM Hydrasynth Desktop Squarp Pyramid Fx: Bastl Thyme / Hologram Microcosm / Mooer Ocean Machine
Oh cool. I had heard about Ghost years back. Completely forgot about it 😁
I’ll check it out thanks 🙏
My label mate Nundale just got one and sounds extremely happy with it! I’ll have to start saving… 😂