What’s going to happen with the cereals exports? That caused some drama in 2022-2023, and crime: here’s a recent investigation from Romania (use auto-translate) https://www.riseproject.ro/investigations/uncategorized/cerealele-negre-din-ucraina-frauda-si-marii-beneficiari-din-romania/
The court ruling also highlights the role of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, which repeatedly tried to block the expansion of the complaint. The Cybercrime Prosecutor had opposed the extension of the complaint, despite the PEGA Committee and PACE (Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe) had emphasised the need for an in-depth investigation into these cases of espionage using Pegasus.
The court states that the attitude of both the investigating judge and the prosecutor in refusing to allow the extension of the complaint was “inconsistent with the current state of the proceedings” and that “it seems entirely logical to extend the indictment to the individuals who have been identified as being behind the decisions taken by these [companies].” This attitude on the part of the Public Prosecutor’s Office adds to the silence and lack of cooperation on the part of the Spanish state in this case.
Yeah, wtf?
Mafia translates to incompetence as nepotism, “higher orders”, and quid pro quo take precedence over competence.
The strategy focuses on advanced technologies, including Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), microreactors, and fourth-generation fission technology. The plan also includes investments in nuclear fusion, reflecting a long-term commitment to sustainable energy development.
Of course, the most hyped up tech producing the most expensive electricity in the current set of electricity generation. \
We are looking at fusion
You can tell that they’re grifters with that simple statement. Nuclear fusion for electricity supply isn’t coming in the short term, we just have this cycle of hype that “in a few years it will here! We promise this time!”
Small reactors don’t add up as a viable energy source
Energy researchers say SMR promises don’t match reality • The Register
The “nuclear will save us” discourse reminds me of Ilan Shor, the dude who stole a hefty chunk of Moldova’s money. From his website:
https://web.archive.org/web/20221227002442/https://partidulsor.md/ the 4th item in the vertical list:
23122022 Ilan Șor: Vom construi centrale nucleare cu reactoare modulare mici, care vor permite asigurarea independenței energetice a Republicii Moldova
same “we’ll use SMRs for energy independence”
It can be tied, at least, to discourse about policies, to “campaign promises”.
They are the future.
I put some context links in the body of the post, to read.
Georgescu has a platform of autarky, which he calls “sovereigntism”. He’s also surrounded by fascists (“legion of archangel Michael”), is directly connected to a paramilitary mercenary group, uses dogwhistles regularly. He also believes he’s a new messiah who is chosen by God to “save” the People (he may actually be schizophrenic, but the people around him are encouraging it). He’s also constantly spewing conspiracy stories and wellness pseudoscience on social media, parroting them and mixing them up with famous speeches from movies.
Georgescu is like if Trump and RFK Jr. had a son with Alex Jones as the nanny.
I added another version from a different angle: https://i.imgur.com/Jezrgss.gif
There should be no* debate, but there will be, of course.
You don’t get to reduce inequality with fascists in power.
https://imgur.com/a/sPkZ43f salut nazist
Georgescu doing a discrete nazi salute (after warming up a bit) as he leaves:
I’m not going to post a mirror, but it’s uploaded to reddit (in case anyone wants to download): https://www.reddit.com/r/Romania/comments/1iyrln3/călin_georgescu_face_salutul_nazist_la_ieșirea_de/
edit: gif
Longer cut:
Shorter cut:
We’ll see how it goes, questioning is not enough to shut down fascist organizations.
edit: he’s going to be investigated without being in jail (free), so expect lots of drama.
Accusations against him:
incitement to actions against the constitutional order, in attempted form, provided for by art.47 C.p. rap. to art.32 C.p. rap. to art.397 para.2 C.p. – (punished by imprisonment from 15 to 25 years and prohibition of the exercise of certain rights)
communication of false information, provided for by art.404 C.p. (punished by imprisonment from one to 5 years)
false statements in continuous form, provided for by art.326 para. 1 C.p. with appl. art.35 para. 1 C.p. (regarding sources of financing of the electoral campaign and declarations of assets) (punished by a sentence of 3 months to 2 years or a fine)
initiation or establishment of an organization with a fascist, racist or xenophobic character, joining or supporting, in any form, such a group, provided for by art. 3 paragraph 1 of O.U.G. 31/2002 (punishable by a sentence of 5 to 15 years and the prohibition of certain rights)
promoting, in public, the cult of persons guilty of committing crimes of genocide against humanity and war crimes, as well as the act of promoting, in public, fascist, legionary, racist or xenophobic ideas, conceptions or doctrines, as provided for in art. 5 of O.U.G. 31/2002 (punishable by a sentence of 3 months to 3 years and the prohibition of certain rights)
initiating or constituting an organization with an antisemitic character, joining or supporting, in any form, such an organization, as provided for in art. 6 paragraph 1 of Law 157/2018.
(this is posted on many local news sites, here’s one of them)
“Legionary” is a specific term relating to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Guard
Homeowners who had assumed their properties would become valuable assets and provide security described their homes as “money pits” and “financial burdens”, and said they felt stuck in homes they could barely or no longer afford, with insurance, taxes, utilities and maintenance now often costing more than people’s mortgages.
Bubble. And it will get worse with climate change: https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-023-01173-x
There’s a term that’s going to get popular: “uninsurable”.
“I bought this house 19 years ago for $220,000,” she said. “If I’m lucky, I can sell it for $300,000.” Local house prices, she said, had not gone up by very much in all this time, in part because local property taxes were prohibitively expensive.
Classic hypocrisy. Complaining about how much houses costs when you want to buy, and then complaining about how little houses costs when you want to sell.
This is a nice updates news list: https://www.g4media.ro/breaking-biroul-electoral-central-a-respins-candidatura-lui-calin-georgescu.html if you can use a translation tool.
I don’t trust the polls much here, the polling agencies are famously partizan and unreliable over time.
He has until the 15th to re-submit the papers for candidacy.