7 months ago@maegul @programming I think there is no general answer, as every developer has different priorities.
Zed looks and feels much better than VSCode to me. Also a lot is working out of the box, where you need to install Plugins in VSCode.
But in both Zed and VSCode I miss the good git support of IntelliJ and the overall intelligence of the Jetbrains IDEs. It feels like IntelliJ knows what I’m doing there at 90%, Zed knows like 60% and VSCode like 50%.
@kuketzblog@social.tchncs.de oder man benutzt Firefox Klar. Dann werden alle Website Daten regelmäßig gelöscht und es gibt nichts zum leaken. Tatsächlich nutze ich den Browser auf dem Handy fast ausschließlich um links von Apps wie Mastodon zu öffnen und brauche quasi nie das speichern irgendwelcher Website Daten.