Definitely not N’ull, that would trigger a SQL error when it can’t interpret the ull after the string delimiter.
Definitely not N’ull, that would trigger a SQL error when it can’t interpret the ull after the string delimiter.
The rich are not the problem, the wealthy are the problem. I like the way Chris Rock put it: ‘Shaq is rich… The white man who signs his check is wealthy.’
Millions of people could be up there with Bill Burr, if a few hundred wouldn’t hoard over half of all wealth in the country.
Do these marks (- for exclusion, + for mandatory) still work on search engines? I thought they stopped entertaining them years ago, exactly because they don’t want the user to mess with SEO results. I know from personal experience that double quotes (to search for an exact expression) are ignored.
I love me some Days Gone! I still to this day have it installed and go back from time to time to whack a few hordes.
Sooo we can magnetize nonmagnetic materials?
Tractor beam when?
What’s the point of “playing” then if you won’t make decisions? Watch a movie instead…
Hey fellow Linux gamer, does the game compile your shaders from scratch every time it starts, or it’s just me? Started it 3 times so far, 45 minute compilation each time… Absolute PITA.
Edit: forgot to mention I have the GOG version, you may play in Steam with its fancy shader cache updates…?
Ukrainian devs with 3 games so far that play entirely in Russia with Russian characters… They must feel they are in a pickle these days.
Give a listen to Testament! IMO the music is thrash so heavy it borders death metal, and the singer ventures into growling only occasionally. My gateway drug into Testament was their Titans of Creation album.
Your only option is to not use the service. Fee Fi Fo Fum.
Oh god, we woke it up…
It’s so you can’t rip Recall out without ruining Explorer, and possibly other things
the tv was requesting internet connection to work
What tv is that? Just so I know what to avoid
I have it too, and I was patiently waiting for Forbidden West to show up on GOG too, guess it’s not gonna happen now, yo ho ho?
they could extend and improve the main story
I don’t think they can.
I have a strong suspicion that truly talented writers who are able to build memorable stories in great worlds are few and far between, and those that are willing to work in the games industry of today are as rare as hen’s teeth. Most companies, including Bethesda, simply don’t have the talent at hand to fix their mess, or there wouldn’t be a mess in the first place. The truth is probably somewhere between this, and the ol’ “eh, good enough”.
Ah yes, the “benefits” of an authoritarian state: they can redirect public funds to undercut any competition?
So what the EU is doing is, it won’t allow the Chinese manufacturer to pass these cost reductions down to me as a consumer and force it to charge a “minimum price” instead, am I reading this right?
A third game? When I’m not even sure I’ll live to see the official release of the first one?
They do plan to stretch this game out until what it depicts will be possible IRL.
He needs a factory reset not a campaign reset
You mean his circuit breakers would trip