Did not know this was out! I haven’t really been too much in his later stuff after Situation, but it’s always nice to see his name come up.
Did not know this was out! I haven’t really been too much in his later stuff after Situation, but it’s always nice to see his name come up.
On the RP3+ at least it does offer some good options for android games and ports of games that people have done. It is definitely a good PSP machine, but I definitely could not just set one up and send it out without telling people how to use it and why it launches different apps.
The Android setup took a long time on my Retroid, mainly due to all of the tweaking. I got a Miyoo Mini + afterwards and it was so much simpler that I may stick to more Linux oriented handhelds, or ones that dual boot.
Those Black Milk beats are always nice.
I don’t live in Portland, but I agree with you about the types of posts I would like to find when I go to a community magazine/sub/page. I like to see recommendations of things to check out that I haven’t heard of, small businesses to support, things that make a place unique. I can find the critical stuff almost anywhere else (although there should be discussion on that of course).
From what I have seen in the Miyoo subreddit there didn’t seem to be any concern with the Plus’ durability, (besides the initial batch with the screens becoming unglued). I don’t baby mine, but then again I try not and drop anything with an LCD screen.
Thanks for putting it together, even if it was a smaller sample size (and probably particular audience)!