I was going to ask if it’s only on the commercial wordpress offering but nope turns out they’ve put it out a plugin. https://github.com/Automattic/wordpress-activitypub
I was going to ask if it’s only on the commercial wordpress offering but nope turns out they’ve put it out a plugin. https://github.com/Automattic/wordpress-activitypub
Tailscale is my goto. I can just use regular remote desktop like I’m on my home LAN. Having said that - I run this on my own laptop that I bring with me. I’d never set it up on a work computer.
thank god, i can’t open my wallet with one hand
Good riddance. I can’t stand voice assistants. Obviously they’re useful for some folks but if I don’t want to use them they shouldn’t be running on my system at all. I don’t want Bixby, I don’t want Xbox Gamebar, I don’t want Ok Google, I don’t want Edge… it’s just endlessly tedious that these companies push an update through and dark pattern their way into getting it running on your system or straight up don’t ask you.
start tootin’ everyone lets make it catch on…
The twitter branding was one of the few things actually going for it. Oh look a cute birdie, oh look the house is a birdhouse! GET IT!
Now it’s, an X? A meaningless X? With a birdhouse home icon and bird-related words everywhere?
I’ve been pushing the limits of “Kids eat free” using this same principle
Goes to show how Adobe’s whole schtick about subscriptions meaning they can put more money into improving their products is bullcrap. Resolve is hot on their heels.
all the spam that i see on twitter now is coming from blue checkmarks.
Third-party batteries are fine but as others have mentioned, look for a reputable seller. Newer Tech NuPower, XINGLT, iFixit. etc. Any ‘official’ battery you get is likely going to be a second-hand one or a third-party one being sold as official anyway.
pffft, easy. I’ll come up with one right now.
A game where you have to stack tupperware in a cupboard and frantically close the door before it all falls out.
It’s wild to me how native proton feels in so many games. Though, I’ll still have a special place in my heart for Super Tux Kart, Warsow, Armagetron Advanced, 0 A.D. et al. Not to mention all the ports Feral Interactive has done over the years.
I bought Guardians of the Galaxy during the Steam Winter Sale for about $15… which I think is a better deal than getting it for free and having to deal with Epic Games.