I run a tiny eu instance and am open to registrations
I run a tiny eu instance and am open to registrations
I sort of do because I’d like the projects themselves to continue thriving (like on a code level)… but I also don’t want yet another Eternal September after surviving Slashdot, k5, digg and now reddit :(
I’d try it
thanks, I’ll try both
I’ve been thinking of using a trackball instead
now I gotta watch it again
negative, I am a meat popsicle
don’t forget to add monitoring on all the things
same, so much fun deploying something outside of work
btw somewhat open to registrations I guess
I just made my own… I buy domains like steam games, never to be used/played, so finding a use for one is fun
nice lipstick on that first one
*Adrian Tchaikovsky has entered the chat *
wow, some of those comments mirror your situation exactly hah
Interesting stuff, perhaps report it to the Caddy devs, h3 isn’t really “stable” afaik
is it possible the subdomain resolves to an ip your router can’t see due to nat hairpinning?
for python, a bunch of venvs should do it
I’d either try loading them into elastic search as a document per email… alternatively, something like mairix or even Thunderbird should do it
free email is risky in many ways