Dobbsian-Erisian Gravitational Calorist, doktor of psychic dentistry
They’re just the way i draw stuff, in this case I embed words/letters into the shapes that are related to the GME saga. It started early on when I decided to post some drawing on fridays in the GMEJungle sub to combat weekend FUD posts and then it just kind of continued. It eventually spread to the GME and Teddy subs during the BBBY side quest, and then into Lemmy and Urvin Terminal during the [REDACTED] episode of the main sub mod drama issues.
shitadel, also kind of shaped like their logo.
I’ve been posting these almost every friday for over 2 years, I like the consistency. If my posts are the only ones showing up it means others are not posting, not that I should post less, in my opinion. I’m slow and steady, like the DRS train.
So far you’re the only complaint I’ve had on the posts in 2+ years, so unless I get moar, I’m keeping on keeping on.
you may be right, we’ll see!
that GME hodlers will actually get access to “once upon a time in shao-lin”. i know it has been claimed they will, but i am also curious about the mechanism of that access. I am a fan of disrupting the known-to-be-unfair music industry, as well as ideas that giving GME hodlers access could facilitate a brokerage share-count if we have to link the access to a broker to verify share holding, so i am curious about those angles of all this.
lemmy misbehaving this morning for me
not quite
you belong here ;-)
not quite right though
if ryan cohen or keith gill don’t want the whole set post-moass, i’ll earmark that one for you, though truly I should send it to Mr_Boost! ;-)
This is an appreciation comment, stating how thankful I am that this Lemmy instance was kicked into gear. I’m glad this is here so when reddit implodes, and discord is all noise, and X does something fucked, there’s this.
Thanks to the lemmings!
glad you found all the names!
they never can miss with their splattershot approach
i’ll certainly keep posting them here!
oh i think i’m a ruby more than a rube
The thing is, to jump in on this i still wouldn’t sell my GME, because it wouldn’t make a huge difference to what Io what I have to put into this. I am a lower income ape, i work less than full time, so I can take the money i put into GME about every 2 months to buy a single handful of shares and put it towards AI instead if I really wanted to jump in on this alleged goldrush, but i wouldn’t know the first thing about what to buy. And besids, the only people that really strike it rich in a goldrush are the outfitters, which in this case are still the shitty brokers likely sending everything to Citadel in PFOF.
So if you have the hot tip of “put $100 into and it’ll be 10000X next month!” then let me know and I’ll throw my next $100 i would have bought GME with into that, but I’m not selling any GME, especially not the DRS’d bits because I spent so goddam much to DRS them, and those shares either become a phone book number or I die with them still in my account.
that’s a great idea!
no, i don’t think i will.
Thanks! I’m glad there’s a lemmy instance to put them on! I usually make recombinant pattern sets with the lines, but the GME saga seemed ripe for embedding words/acronyms into so I have really leaned into that the past couple years, I like how the set is turning out.
i wanted to make that one without the two touching because the token and the security were never in contact!
thanks for the kind words.
satellite maps for surrealists!