It’s so bubbly, and cloying, and… happy.
It’s so bubbly, and cloying, and… happy.
Joke’s on the Onion, the nice parts of town actually get decent road maintenance so there aren’t any potholes.
The only fiction I read this year was Hyperion/Fall off Hyperion and the Old Man’s War series. One was amazing (as it always has been on my multiple reads), and one was pretty ok.
Justified in what? If you’re talking about the Ukrainian invasion that’s been going on for two years, no he does not.
I’ll add to his resume, too. Destroyer of Andrew Tate, bane of the Bald and Fat (Fresh and Fit) “podcast”.
Hasan Piker. Hasanabi. Leftist streamer.
I’m not sure what you mean by “who?”. Are you asking me who the person that was arrested is, or who Hasan is?
Shit, this is one of the kids Hasan just had on a couple weeks ago.
And now Allende was the bad guy for… allowing what Pinochet did to happen?
One person in there has completed an exhaustive poll of three people under the age of 35 to determine that “USSR bad”. What a tool.
I wouldn’t say it was a raging argument, but I had a family member “both sides” Gaza. They stopped responding when I asked why Isn’trael was also conducting operations in West Bank.
The police say the police vehicle driven by a police officer didn’t have a police dash cam? I’m shocked, I tell you!
What is this, 2010? I very vividly remember this feature on my Nexus One.