djphdk [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2020


  • "A memo distributed by NSA leadership to its staff says that on February 10, all NSA websites and internal network pages that contain banned words will be deleted… The memo acknowledges that the list includes many terms that are used by the NSA in contexts that have nothing to do with DEI. For example, the term “privilege” is used by the NSA in the context of “privilege escalation.” In the intelligence world, privilege escalation refers to “techniques that adversaries use to gain higher-level permissions on a system or network.”


  • Every day I go a little more insane.

    No one should be courting this man’s endorsement. The whole Bush administration should have been subject to Nuremberg style war crimes trials. In a just world, old George and Dick would have met the firing squad for their torture program. Motherfucker, there are still inmates in Guantanamo. Bush has the blood of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, on his hands. Painting some folksy pictures and handing Michelle Obama a candy at the funeral of a different war criminal isn’t going to wash the blood off. I remember; I can still see it.

    I don’t know, that John Brown quote or something. I’m just so deeply angry.