Hell yeah. What games did you pick up with it?
Hell yeah. What games did you pick up with it?
No, no, this sounds incredible!
Maggie’s Farm by RAtM is also a great cover
I own a pair of Etymotic ER20XS ear plugs and I like them. I haven’t had the chance yet to try them out at a concert, but I have worn them on other occassions. I think they’re reasonably comfortable and the sound quality is still good while wearing them.
Cholula is where it’s at
Fuck man, I do miss the scrungy cats from the last place
My routines are a bit more casual and inconsistent than what others have posted. Lately I have been doing intervals on a stationary bike for 30 minutes three times per week. If the weather is nice, I’ll go for a walk 30-90 minutes depending on location and weather on days that I don’t do the stationary bike.
I eat fairly healthy and almost always at home. I make an effort to get two servings of raw fruit and veg each day, in addition to anything that I put into my meal prep for that week. I don’t eat much meat though, so I struggle a bit with protein intake.
In the past I’ve used MyFitnessPal to track my meals and check protein and calorie intake in particular. It’s a decent app and gave me what I needed.
After 6 years of seriously using Python regularly, I’d probably give myself a 6/10. I feel comfortable with best practices and making informed design decisions. I have no problem using linting and testing tools. And I’ve contributed to large open source projects. I could improve a lot by learning more about the standard library and some core computer science concepts that inform the design of the language. I’m pretty weak in web frameworks too, unfortunately.
You could check out Dash/Plotly if you’re familiar with python and planning on visualizing data
I got this game around the time it came out and I remembered dropping it, but not why. Reading your post now makes me think Blockhead was the reason why haha. I should get back around to this and perhaps skip this fight
DOOM (2016). I originally got it when it came out, I wasn’t very patient then, but largely played multiplayer. I’ve been playing the campaign this time around and I’m enjoying it quite a bit.
Women are so cute I don’t think I can do it anymore
Weather prediction at point locations is extremely challenging to get right because we simply can’t observe and make predictions for every single square inch of the earth. Many weather models are run on grids with boxes about the size of a few kilometers at the smallest scale, which means that any physical process in the atmosphere that is the size of that box or smaller won’t be represented well by the model.
Specifically on your point about clouds passing over your location, cloud and precipitation formation is even more challenging. Clouds and precipitation form due to atmospheric processes ranging from hundreds of kilometers all the way down to micrometers, which practically means the weather models are making an educated guess (albeit a very good one that is informed by scientific research) about when and where clouds will form. And when a model does predict a cloud, it will cover an entire grid box.
Finally, I saw you made a comment about how machine learning should improve forecasts, and in fact it does! But the weather community is still working on data driven models (as opposed to models that solve physical atmospheric equations), and most of them are run by private companies so their output is not free. As these data driven models get better, it may be possible that they will be able to make predictions at scales less than a kilometer.
TIL that plain TeX is a thing.
Oh that’s interesting. I started poking around with a Gameboy emulator guide implemented in Python that intended to emulate a Z80. Got any good resource recommendation in case I decide to pick this back up and inevitably get stuck?
I’ve been playing Metroid Prime 3 and largely enjoying it. The most recent boss fight was incredibly fun and refreshing, easily the best in the game and high in the rankings for best boss fight period.
Oddly enough I’ve had the most success selling things on craigslist in the past few years. When I list things on OfferUp I get some messages but everyone is super flaky. People are still flaky on craigslist but I almost always end up closing the sale there instead of OfferUp
Most well regarded journals in STEM require a publishing fee. That is not the case for the humanities and I believe social sciences, which are always free.
Burning the midnight oil aye?