Smaller communities, more intimate experiences, and overall, the people you’d see here are most likely who won’t accept or allow what Reddit now stands for.
I game and hang out at Twitch.tv/dear_faye
Smaller communities, more intimate experiences, and overall, the people you’d see here are most likely who won’t accept or allow what Reddit now stands for.
Really hoping my country doesn’t follow suit to this. I can get a seat in a nice cinema with big seats that can become a bed with a push of the button for only 10 usd (which includes free popcorn!). Did you perhaps pay using a Credit Card? From my experience every time I buy stuff online like bus tickets which you usually buy at their booth, I have to pay extra for the “convenience”.
That just makes people want to use Twitter less, won’t it? Unless there’s some grand strategist-levels Masterplan behind this that I’m simply too stupid to fathom? I already use less of Twitter since he owned it, and I may even just cut it off now. It’s such a shame too because it’s one way for content creators to reach out to their community aside from Discord… I personally use Twitter a lot to notify people when I’m going live, etc. but with this change there might not even be a point anymore because I absolutely refuse to sign up for Twitter Blue.
Kinda pretty sad that Dark Souls 3 is still so expensive… ever since Elden Ring blew up, its price has also skyrocketed. It finally got a sale today, but I remember many years ago it had a discount that was much lower.
Nevertheless, I got Alien Isolation, Dark Souls 3, and I’m hoping I can finally get some DAVE THE DIVER, but money is tight at the moment. This Steam Sale arrived at a pretty bad time for me :(
Yes, I agree with it being more genuine. Everyone was trying to figure out what the Internet meant and what you could do. It really felt like trekking into the unknown! I loved stumbling upon random websites, the flash games, the websites here and there, the blogs, the niche forums… I feel like the rise of social media and companies and the fact that companies figured out the people themselves were the product ruined a part of it somehow. I wish you good luck in incorporating that sense of adventure to your kids - I know it’s not easy with all the dangers online and outside. But the fact you’re trying to do that despite all is already so awesome.
Oh, man. Old TV was great, too. Now it’s just a plethora of commercials and scripted shows. I already got rid of cable, and rely on an old laptop connected to my TV for shows on that are on Youtube or Netflix. I don’t want to sound like an old lady raising her cane ranting about the good old days, but seriously, we had it great back then. It sometimes feels like the Internet launched us into an unknown and I feel so grateful I got to see the early days of it where people were still trying to figure it out and unleash their creativity, before it became… well, this. Now it’s just a monopoly of concepts and services, and companies where they want to herd us all to one direction that would get them money. I’m thankful for the convenience it brings of course, and I admit there are some I willingly pay for, just wish it felt more free and less commercialized.
It’s interesting, but not too long ago, I was musing with my friends how I missed the Old Internet (Internet of the late 1990s to late 2000s to be more specific). It was exciting and it felt like the digital word was your oyster - you could do anything and everything, and if you find a gold mine, you could meet interesting people who had a lot to share with common interests. Not much social media, not much algorithms that make your feed simply an echo chamber, and you really had to look sometimes what you were really looking for, and sometimes what you find might even surprise you.
Sigh, I feel awful that I took it for granted. I wish I had savored more of it. Nothing is going to be like that again.
I don’t feel bad that a considerable amount of them are indifferent to this plight. If they don’t care Reddit has been screwing over its users and has a very tone-deaf approach to this problem, they’re not the kind of people you want around anyway, and there’s nothing that will ever change their minds because they never had the empathy to understand the very root of this problem.
They can stay there. I’d rather be here without their gate-keeping, their negativity, their trolling, and their constant Reddit’s ass-kissing.
High-ranking corporate individuals really are so very out of touch with the situation on the ground, aren’t they? It’s insane they’re wording things as if it’s the people’s fault for simply not understanding they want more money or that they literally LIED about being blackmailed. It makes me sick.
While utterly fascinating, my inexperience self wonders how it’s going to be like if these microbes somehow interact with a modern organic being assuming a lot has changed in a billion years biologically. Torn between wanting to find out… and not wanting to open that pandora’s box.
TFW you’re broke and $70 is the norm for AAA games now. As much as I want to get this on Steam so I can have all the games in one account, it’s looking like I have no choice but just play it on the XBOX game pass when it comes out. Living the PH, it’s 3 USD a month here.
I’ll be using both - Reddit because of habit, and mostly to just lurk. I won’t upvote/downvote or contribute anything - it can’t be debated that it’s still a treasure trove of knowledge. But I’ll be actively contributing here on Lemmy for sure because I want this to be the next home :)
I personally wish there were more communities - it’s kind of difficult for me to navigate at times when looking for communities especially if they exist in another instance, but otherwise, I have definitely replaced Reddit with this site. I just lurk on Reddit now, don’t upvote or downvote, and just read some stuff that I can’t find over here on my desktop, but here - I am actively engaging. It does feel more chill, and kind of reminds me of Old Internet somehow and I really like how so many people are coming together too to fix bugs and improve the QOL.