be wary of any man who has a pig farm.
eh bricktop?
be wary of any man who has a pig farm.
eh bricktop?
as yet to be peer reviewed.
I’ll postulate it’s size via existential crisis when confirmed.
this was wonderful.
man this community is introducing me to some good shit just based on this album art. earlier this week Tipper. hoooowee
Thank you humans.
you don’t know if I’m into that sort of thing.
for me 🤔it’s a toss up between 1 and 2.
1 can lead me to pearls = money 2 I can create a gravel for sale business = money.
I guess I choose 1 just to communicate with something weird. 2 is the easier one.
I came from reddit a few years back and was a staunch baconreader user.
Eternity for lemmy has been wonderful.
any “beef” I have is with content/community which are getting better and not related to the client I use.
what I’m hearing is that the cleaver will need other uses formulated.
ok, but then… how come at the end of the first movie can they see Mt doom in the distance. does sight work differently in this age?
i cant see the smokies from Florida.
wow look at you fame monsters with “”“followers”“”"
I’m stealing it for the next occasion. thanks!
he wants to lay the jizz here tho
I don’t remember what number it was but soul caliber was good! maybe it was 2? after the glorious dreamcast soul caliber.
sort of the best case scenario
cool explanation and response, thank you.
between shifts huh. that’s a weird way of saying almost constantly.
oh and they are people. oh and they can vote.