It was never meant to be permanent. Nor were any of the other Covid “fixes.”
Debian Linux, FOSS, Firefox, Raspberry PI. Universal Life Church Minister. Student of ACIM since 1993, student of Urantia since 2013.
It was never meant to be permanent. Nor were any of the other Covid “fixes.”
The Electoral College is all that hold democracy together in the USA. Without it lies nothing but chaos.
masks do NOT work. Not unless you are wearing at least an N-95 or better mask. More fear-mongering in an election year, surprise surprise. Do not forget to get your lovely vaccines.
uh z-lib still works. I download 10 books most days. Never going to be able to read them all. Books 18426 items (16699 files, 1726 folders)
I use Brave on my pi400 and on my tablets, phone. It works, and it can use Chrome extensions. I mostly use Firefox on my pi400, but there is the odd site that doesn’t work with FIrefox. Every web browser sucks in some way. I could care less what views the CEO of any company holds.
ublock origin bitwarden cookie autodelete dark reader copy plain text mastodon or graze noscript sponsorblock and occasionally grammarly complete black theme
I have 4 .deb packages that I have downloaded from github. Other than those I try to use apt first if there isn’t a package I search for a flatpak. The only reason I have snap installed is to play with Firefox Beta. Packages: 2839 (dpkg), 45 (flatpak), 7 (snap)
Does it have a SD card slot, and if so can it take a 256GB card? 26k epubs and pdfs. Who pays for books?