They more or less did that here in the Netherlands. Once the government let go, things slowly started getting worse and we’re now at the point where I’d say things are expensive, occasionally sporty and suboptimal…
They more or less did that here in the Netherlands. Once the government let go, things slowly started getting worse and we’re now at the point where I’d say things are expensive, occasionally sporty and suboptimal…
What makes you think they don’t already have that with who’s in charge now? If Trump is so close with Putin then he’s also automatically in kahoots with Mr pooh bear.
I’m sure you’re a Russian troll but if the wartime leader of Ukraine flew to Moscow right now he’d not even make it to the Kremlin before dissappearing. Europe would then condemn Russia for its actions (similar to when the Saudis made that journalist dissappear) and Ukraine would be in a ton of shit.
It’s insane that Trump has both manchild JD and mega cringelord Elon on his team. If Elon and Vance ever do an event together the venue will implode from their lack of charisma.
He also incorrectly tried to correct Zelensky on when his fucking country was invaded… Clown
I fully agree with you, sadly some world leaders benefit way more from dividing and isolating.
The only way forward as the human race in the long term will either be as 1 people (the UN is a good step towards this but clearly not enough) or as a post apocalyptic shattered, severely diminished population. Sadly it’s looking more and more like it’ll be the second one…
Yeah it’s kinda surprising actually, saying that the official language is Murican is way more up his alley.
I mean, I’m not an expert by any means but haven’t the republicans been able to very efficiently stifle democrat majorities before? If they just follow that playbook (delaying things, being pains in the ass, constant insistence on funky rules) they can at least annoy the shit out of them and hopefully slow things down. They’re way too polite for that tho, they’d rather just let it happen and hope they come out okay in the end then to risk the wrath of the annoying orange and his minions.
I mean, not an amazing amount but cool I guess. Hopefully it’ll also net them a new job at a better employer.
I’d say the bigger issue for me was the fact that everyone can have a weapon with them and could literally kill you in seconds if they want to. As someone from a country (and continent) where this isn’t considered normal (the worst someone can carry is a knife and even that’s illegal) that’s just a real culture shock. Also, last time, our first day there consisted of being on public transport between the airport and our hotel where there was some crazy person shouting and trying to start fights with other passengers. We then got to our hotel, put our stuff away, heard noises outside and when we walked out we found out there had been a shootout at a restaurant around the block just minutes earlier.
So yeah, call it whatever you want but I wouldn’t call it safe.
We’ve gone to multiple places but is say the worst areas are the big cities. We visited Chicago and if you strayed a bit towards the outer edges of the downtown area it got sketchy kinda quickly. Downtown itself wasn’t too bad but at night I still felt a bit exposed walking around there with all the dark allies.
I feel like that all the time when I’m visiting the USA as a tourist. Lots of people walking around armed, sometimes visibly, who could just pull their weapon out and start firing. Any sort of public fight (like 2 people yelling at each other in a restaurant) had me on edge because things could go south quickly.
Yeah, most leaders here are busy tooting their own horns and aren’t focused on bigger geopolitics stuff yet… Like ffs, here in NL all they elected a right wing government and, surprise surprise, they’re shit at their job. Can’t get legislation passed, constant infighting, unpopular policies (for part of our population at least, unfortunately we also have a lot of idiots that voted for this), the list goes on.
I wish that Europe would step up more. The European Union is quite good at doing things bigger picture but they’re very slow and bureaucratic at times, could be nice if they improved a bit on that.
Hurray, time to cause even more Biden inflation /s
Kanye getting the “house of cards” treatment… Hard to stay relevant when everything else is starting to be even more batshit than you are.
No but you don’t understand, this will bring America back to the times that it was so great. You know, the wild west and native American times, when they had no electricity and nothing but lumber… /s
New boss of Child protective services…
Lol maybe all the people he’s trying to get rid of should do this, just say “no lol” and stay. Let’s see what happens then.
I really don’t understand what’s happened to him, he seemed like a decent guy when Biden got elected and now he’s insanely MAGA all of a sudden? I thought he had morals and decency, guess I thought wrong. Almost no politician has those.
Damn Biden comet