I do have 2 monitors. But I have an opaque side panel. Case closed. Pun intended.
I do have 2 monitors. But I have an opaque side panel. Case closed. Pun intended.
…do you know how crowded Costco is on Sundays.
As a German: I hate you.
I always thought like that:
Hmmm: 1 + 2 + 3 + … + 99 + 100
Kommutativgesetz be like:
This equals:
100 +1 +
99 + 2
+98 + 3
And this equals:
How often do I need to do this? I use up 2 numbers for each 101. I have 100 numbers total. So that’s 50x101.
Now you can think about: What if it’s 1000 instead of 100? But it#s easy from here…
It’s not Christmas time before Hans Gruber has fallen off Nakatomi Plaza.
Der Fotzen-Fritz, halt.
Leider gibt es zuviele in die EU abgeschobene Luschen in Brüssel. Eigentlich ist die EU zu wichtig dafür.
Dunkeldeutschland, halt.
There aren’t any BEVs with this kind of manual transmissions. They just have 1 gear and are operated like automatics. And I am definitely not going back to DDD fuels (detonating dino diarrhea).
Habe mein Girokonto bei der comdirect. Ist unter vielen, leicht erfüllbaren Bedingungen kostenlos. Kostenlose Visadebit + kostenlose Girocard (musste ich extra ordern, weiß nicht, ob das noch eine kostenlose Option ist). Dazu habe ich eine Visakreditkarte, die Genialcard der Hanseatic. Diese ist kostenlos und man kann kostenlos an fast allen Automaten Geld abheben, keine Auslandsgebühren.
I try using Linux on my desktop PC from time to time. Whenever I buy a new rig, I try Linux, as I want to reinstall the system anyway. It never worked. I always tried with brand new hardware -> something is not properly supported -> install current windows. Rinse and repeat every 4 or 5 years whenever I get my hand on a new desktop or laptop. That never changed for the last 20 years.
Yes. Shops being closed on Sundays is a major PITA. I have 2 days off a week. So I have to buy groceries in overcrowded shops in the evening or in overcrowded shops on Saturdays. Or I drive across the border and buy in Luxemburg, on Sundays. So the VAT I am creating stays in another country. Which is just plain stupid.
Also: workers’ rights and shops being open on Sundays aren’t mutually exclusive.