@fermuch That’s a good point, I guess it’s up to the individual to decide what or who they trust most
Synthetic, made of wires shiny & chrome. // … Artist behind #Eyeshadow2600FM, creator of Second Life brand #REVOSA. // Stack heap collision / . / . … CRITICAL
I’m also writing a disaster style space opera but I can’t post any of it because of AI!
@fermuch That’s a good point, I guess it’s up to the individual to decide what or who they trust most
@fermuch If you want to host your own instance but don’t want the trouble of making your IP public for every random Bob to see, there is always Masto.host (which I’ve used before on my own) https://masto.host/
@47_Alpha_Tango @dumples oof bro, you know you’re not on Reddit right?
@kityr I tell you not to sealion and then you fucking do it right before me like the dumbest sociopath who’s ever lived
You whine that everyone deserves a voice, “everyone” includes the fascists
This isn’t Twitter, this isn’t Reddit, shut your mouth and go tf back to Reddit
@kityr don’t try and sealion your way around making excuses for nazis
@lamentforicarus @5redie8 I wonder if we were in the same chatrooms haha
@Greg Imagine letting one loose, and then 1000 years later someone picks up your beef and goes “damn that should be a museum” I’d be floored
@fu way to focus on exactly what I wasn’t talking about
@alsaaas @TheTechNerd either we as a society deconstruct capitalism or we as a species do not have a future