Friend this is the Bad Place do you not remember season 1
Friend this is the Bad Place do you not remember season 1
To echo the theme song of my favorite 2020 podcast “everything is so dumb, and it’s gonna get dumber!”
I need to tell my brother to vacation in Uruguay this winter
The United States as we have known it for all of our lifetimes is dead, adults will never steer that ship again. There are certain portions of it that may be reasonable and trustable allies again at some point. But the current form of my country will never return to reason. I genuinely hope you don’t think we’ll have free and fair national elections again
It obviously wouldn’t get us out of this nightmare that reality has become, but it would make me feel just a bit happy to watch Elon’s smug ass get his face eaten by the leopard
I almost said the Laptop Gun too. That game was full of cool and original weapons, second only to the Turok series
Farsight from Perfect Dark
This is very prelude to hell
That’s former WCW World Heavyweight Champion David Arquette
Did you miss the bit where I said “whether thats what people want or not”? IF what you are saying is true then we’re all fucked already climate change is coming for all of us.
I straight don’t buy that these results accurately reflect the opinion of non boomer voters. If this is accurate then the country and the species are done for, we cannot continue on the path we’re currently on without radical change to the status quo whether thats what people want or not. This is make or break for the future and it looks like we’re all currently content to let it break even if it means the end.
Are those eyes altered? They look horrific
She usually is on one level or the other
Edit: shit I mean usually is right
So I’m glad you said this, I’ve been having a hard time the past week because I don’t see any way out of our current situation beyond what you have just described and it’s been stressing me because I’ve both felt alone in my conclusions and not wanted to ask my friends, family, and coworkers if I’m way out of bounds because I don’t want to make this time harder on them than I know it already is.
Granted I still don’t feel great about the potentiality of losing my life in such events but I’m grateful to you for making me feel less alone right now. Cheers!
I really really really hope you’re right
Ed may be the best addition to CZM since Garrison he’s really really good. No shade to James Stout
It’s time to raze existence It’s time to banish light It’s time to call the void in On the muppet show tonight!
That was such a seamless ad pivot I’m not convinced your aren’t Robert?
Jason figured it out? Jason!? Aw this is a real low point, yeah this one hurts