Make sure my proxmox desktop build can do GPU passthrough.
I use podman auto-update command.
I’d also like to see what others use
awesome rice! love to see another osu player on linux
I’m curious, can it handle transcoding? using the RPi 4 while direct playing works great, but for transcoding not so much… I see the OrangePi5 8GB is currently at 85$ looks like a good deal to me. The MC server would be another plus.
Do you know other alternatives like the OrangePi?
Since they confirmed that won’t change their mind about the API changes, I uninstalled infinity and I only spend time here. So far has been great!
Awesome summary of how podman works.
I still haven’t figured out some issues with rootless podman where I pass the PUID and PGID of “myuser” 1000 as environment variable following the examples… but then get files and folders owned by 100999:100999, if I chown files to “myuser” the service gets permission denied, I give up and chown everything to 100999 as workaround it works but is a bit annoying… Maybe someone here knows what’s going on?
I use debian VMs and create rootless podman containers for everything. Here’s my collection so far.
I’m currently in the process of learning how to combine this with ansible… that would save me some time when migrating servers/instances.
Maybe it’s hard at the beginning but as you keep doing it becomes easier. If you feel overwhelmed take a break for a few days and try again later. I think we all have been there and hit a wall. Self host, open source and Linux communities are friendly you can ask for help and find someone willing to help you, so don’t be afraid to ask for help (as I was before). Just take small steps.
Don’t give up. Have fun.