Oh no… and I was excited for a hot minute (literally).
Oh no… and I was excited for a hot minute (literally).
Exactly and I believe it when I see it!
Yep… also the ACG review mentioned a huge amount of pop-in as well…
So I guess it’s again wait for a sale or that it comes to a subscription service.
Good to know, thanks!
Wow… I really wasn’t aware of Joe Rogan and his podcast…
How is Youtube Music?
It’s the same as with youtube premium - do I need another music service? No, I just don’t want to have no ads (I don’t have it, just an example).
They just bloat up the package with stuff, so it looks like it’s much and is of “value”, when you are actually paying for a lot of stuff you don’t want/need… but of course they charge you for all of it.
surprised pikachu face - who would’ve thought?
Remember when the BOTW was right around the corner and that blew up, but we got tears of the kingdoms - so the wait was worth it!
I’m glad that they brought retro studios back, but also sad that this basically resulted in the restart of development :(
I gave up on understanding nintendos tactics in any shape or form haha
It certainly sold more than expected, judging from the physical copies and it was nice to see a game being announced and immediately available.
My guess is minimum one year between each remastered…
There was this supposed leak that the whole prime collection is already remastered for switch, they just wait to drop it.
But with the massiv delay of prime 4, I would also drop them one at a time until 4 is ready.
I will definitely look into the luck hit chance stuff, thanks for the suggestion!
Yeah I also ran the same build (at least skill wise) as you did, but I just wanted to mix it up a bit and try more flame and arc skills… but couldn’t get it to work…
Unfortunately it was the only class that appealed to me…
I just straight up hate the fact that some aspect are locked behind 100% RNG… nothing to improve the odds or quest to get them. The funny (/s) thing is that, as you mentioned, need some of those aspects to make a build work.
I know and it is since launch… it’s just sad so see that 80% of the skills in the skill tree are just not viable.
I really had enough frost nova and arc leash, I just wanted to casually mix it up a bit, you know? And have some casual fun in the evening with friends and see fireworks on the screen without thinking too much haha
With the ice shards I always had mana issues and I used frost nova since the beginning… I just wanted to play with fire (haha) magic because it looks cool and do a bit of an imperator role play with arc, but I never managed to create a good build that was also fun to play…
Or maybe I’m just bad with my sorc haha
Thank you all for your hard work! I really enjoy the app.
Got around level 60 as well with my sorc, but than I couldn’t find I fun build to play AND deal damage that doesn’t require extensive grinding for hours. (If you know one, please let me know)
Now with the patch 1.1.0 they nerfed the critical strike damage and vulnerable damage…
Idk if it is true for every class, but I’ve got the feeling that for sorcs you NEED certain items/aspects for build to even work.
Exactly, all of my friends (including me) stopped playing for the same reason: it wasn’t fun anymore.
Let’s hope the new season brings some good changes!
Ah yes… Little Devil Inside. I really hope it comes soon.
I fear we will see Metroid Prime 4 on the new Switch… but at least we can look forward to the Prime 2 & 3 remastered!
Not too surprised tbh.
But what will happen to the console market in 10 years? Does it shift to a subscription model and you choose games via your TV and everything is streamed?
But I’m glad CoD will still be around - at least some constant I can rely on haha
Bin da auch erst durch die Nachrichten vom Gipfel wirklich aufmerksam geworden und kenne mich daher nicht wirklich mit dem Thema aus. Es
wirklichwirkt aber so, als ob die einzige Gemeinsamkeit dieser Brics-Staaten darin besteht, eine Alternative zum Westen zu bilden… was schön und gut ist, aber die Länder sind hald quer über die ganze Erde verteilt und haben komplett andere Kulturen. Das kann doch auf lange Sicht nicht gut enden, oder?