Pressing caps lock for a single capital letter should be outlawed or be painful or something. That’s just weird.
I’m a nerd, doing nerd things…
Pressing caps lock for a single capital letter should be outlawed or be painful or something. That’s just weird.
Tex mex at best. But now I’m craving a crisp beef burrito and mexi fries like you can’t imagine.
The comment above stands on its own. Code can be overwhelming - start by going through an existing program and write a comment for every single line - describing exactly what each line does. You’ll pick it up faster than you think.
All the other seasons were so sedate…
Thank you so much!
Awesome. Thanks!
I’m going to be trying this on my Kubernetes cluster. I don’t suppose either of you (Matt/fmstrat) have that working - do you?
Thanks for the extra recommendation. I’ll definitely check it out. What caught my eye mostly was the clean mobile app of Ente. Immach’s mobile app sure looks close. I don’t technically need E2E since I’m self-hosting… Decisions decisions…
But you don’t have to pay them for self-hosting. ???
Thanks for posting this. It isn’t overly obvious on their main page. I’m going to try this out. I like that their mobile apps support this as well.
TrueNAS. Install it. Use it. Forgetta’bout it. It just works. For almost a decade now.
Just pass in the name of a json file as a CLI input (or default the name and act on it if present or use it if indicated [e.g. /U == use json.config]).
Now they have to carry a metal detector, drone, and a huge set of balls. Seems unfair.
Two-thirds of CEOs are completely delusional, survey finds
Looks like the types of euphorbia we have here in AZ…
“…wearing safety crocs…”
I do that too, but it is nice to not have to retype everything. For $2, well worth it.
I, too, looked high and low for this. Switching credit unions every year or so when they’d stop offering access. I finally gave up and started using Plaid. They grab all transactions from all my various accounts for $2.16/mo and shove them into Moneydance. Not what you asked for, but it works.
They claim to (and some aren’t horrific), but they don’t work as well. So far, nothing beats Mona and Mastodon - hands down.