I have heard that mixing Chocolate and Mint is controversial. Well I’m all for it.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • No it doesn’t stop it, just seed torrenting as you say. Makes it harder for others to download from you if they too do not have open ports. Got to facilitate sharing is caring.

    A VPN acts like a NAT layer, so you basically have to open a port forward in order for traffic to dial your number, so to speak.

    It may be in your case that you have UPnP or similar set up, so that your router automatically picks up your open port. Not viable for VPNs which tend to service enough clients to qualify as CGNAT, so we set up fixed ports.

    Edit: Looks like I was wrong about not viable, seems like ProtonVPN has a NAT-PMP switch in their config