i noticed matrix was kind of slow to sync
libervia seems worth a look
thanks for this detailed analysis
i noticed matrix was kind of slow to sync
libervia seems worth a look
thanks for this detailed analysis
slackware has slackbuild iirc, arch has aur, so why not debianbuild recipes ?
good idea, thx !
I wonder why matrix is more popular than xmpp, while being more recent
anyway, thanks!
hints :
you could add your own items to the list, it’s a long one.
looks awesome!
qutebrowser if you don’t mind vim-like keybinding.
That said, the heaviest things on the web today are those bloated sites.
So far, I’ve encountered no problem adding masto accounts in akkoma. That said, I don’t use it much.
you mean this one ? https://medicatusb.com/
besides syncthing, there is also unison
a must-check before signing up somewhere
nice tree ! it’‘s added in the list, if you don’ mind of course ?
of course, be my guest !
I’m guessing the author is a mastodon user, but it can be applied on other microblog projects
I’m not sure we will be able to read beehaw comments & posts, see :
or :
anything to do with the mobile ui ?
is it foss ?