Do yourself a favor. Go to your local Aldi’s and get the 1000 day aged Gouda.
Do yourself a favor. Go to your local Aldi’s and get the 1000 day aged Gouda.
My wife would eat this.
I smuggled home a confederate flag I found in a drawer at my grandmother’s house. Disposed of it with a bag of cat shit.
Yes but what is the airspeed of an unladen swallow?
I’m going to start looking after I finish my CompTIA A+ and then continue to add certs. Most jobs I see in my area really want A+.
Had the same thing happen to me. I got texts about fraud from my bank and an email saying I needed to update my payment. I was wondering what prompted this cause I’ve been using patreon for years and never once had an issue like this.
I am literally in this same boat now. My state is sponsoring memberships to Coursera and I’m wrapping up the Google IT Support Specialist Certificate course, there’s also an IBM course of the same premise. It has gone over the most basic information, most of which I was already familiar with. But it has touched on material I was not knowledgeable at all in. I also got the humble bundle mentioned above and will move onto that after for more in depth learning.
Don’t go giving us butches a bad name like that.