Nice writeup. Seconding not using Manjaro. If you want something Arch based, try EndeavourOS instead.
Video gamer and programmer. Talk to me about Master Duel!
Nice writeup. Seconding not using Manjaro. If you want something Arch based, try EndeavourOS instead.
If you use NovelUpdates, Notifications for NovelUpdates is a good app for Android
What an adorable kitty. I bet you guys had a lot of fond memories ❤️
Registered! Voyager has been good to me, but I can’t wait to use this app again
Most phones just use metadata to tell what way an image is supposed to be rotated and will always take the picture portrait. It was probably removed by the image host
True, the antics of a social media site shouldn’t really be the focus of this community
The best is still the original, but with colors swapped. AKA, the current logo
Caught red-pawed
Hooray 🎉🎉
You can even see him look towards the camera 😂
That’s horrible. I’m glad your house is fine!
Yeesh, this is horrible. Looks like something you’d see in a movie
EDIT: Turns out this is an artist’s rendition according to another comment. Not sure why they’re using this movie-like image rather than an actual one. Regardless, hope they can get through this.
lol, I figured that’d be the case. Thanks for doing the math 🙏
They might just go Masto-style migration and just but a banner on your profile linking to your new account, and give you a list of communities to import.
If you cut out the average opening and ending length of every episode, would it be possible I wonder
I never said to add it to the main repo operated by the F-droid team. I suggested adding it to an alternative 3rd-party repo that allows non-open source applications.
Obviously a repository compatible with F-droid can be called an F-droid repo, and is called as such by both the community and in official documentation. That doesn’t mean its necessarily owned or operated by the F-droid dev team as you seem to think I’m implying.
Looking at you, Microsoft Windows support team. At least some random blog post from 10 years ago probably has the answer.
Unless the only comment is “Solved it, nevermind.”, then you know you’re screwed.