Really wish people would just include subtitles in their uploads.
Really wish people would just include subtitles in their uploads.
I don’t see how they can send soldiers off to die at this point when they know they’re going to lose.
I don’t see how the soldiers can go off and die. Like, imagine dying in the last battle before your side surrenders. Ya’ll could’ve just surrendered a bit earlier and those people would still be alive 🤣
“Good guys”
Not voting for Joe, that’s for sure.
I’d like to see a Wikipedia page of whistleblowers who die shortly after blowing the whistle.
as does Frrontier and Spirit
No way, the cheaper airlines use better planes?
Starting to think the hard-on for Boeing was just part of a trade battle, like most “buy american” shit.
Lol. First rule about the undernet: anyone with a female handle is actually a male.
It’s actually a pretty good tactic to throw off investigators.
If Americans want the protests to stop, they should stop supporting genocide.
Is it free?
A little bit of history will tell you that Hamas only started targeting civilians after Israel did it.
I think we’re reaching a point with Zionists that every accusation is admitting guilt, just like with republicans and other nazis.
Quality > quantity.
Let reddit be a containment zone for sensationalists and state actors.