You work at IBM or something? Who even still uses VHDL?
You work at IBM or something? Who even still uses VHDL?
You can’t see something small right behind you with that.
Yeah but there are 0 third party/independents who didn’t get elected as a Democrat/Republican.
Implying he only makes executive orders about things he has a say in.
How many progressives do we have in the house? How many green party members (or any independent who wasn’t initially elected as a Democrat/Republican)?
If you’re a third party in the general, the deck is stacked against you even stronger than a progressive in the primary.
You could steal the green party but it’s not going to get you anything. You’d have to do the exact same thing of building up the party from local, to state, to federal offices. And you don’t get to drag along the people who are lifelong Democrats. You’d have to build up the green party and then take on both the Democrats and Republicans.
I think if she anchored it different, I might think like you. But “I don’t have a million; not half a million either” doesn’t imply to me it’s close. Maybe like 100k. But saying that she said she’s worth so much and quoting her saying “I’m not even worth X” as the proof is nonsense. Especially in response to someone with quotes from the article stating that it’s like $125k.
You have to fund your own retirement. The social safety net is constantly threatening to be removed and it doesn’t cover much to start with. And homes are stupid expensive. Especially in the places where AOC has to have places to live.
I think my point is more along the lines of “I don’t even have half a million dollars” doesn’t imply to me that they have half a million dollars.
How does “I’m not even worth half a million” mean “I have hundreds of thousands of dollars in the bank” to people. I don’t get it.
If you have a retirement account and a home, you’re probably worth more than that.
No? They tried to recruit from places that they wouldn’t traditionally in order to get a more diverse hiring pool. So instead of just hiring the managers buddy, you set up a booth at the traditionally black college’s career fair.
Would a younger kid have understood what was being talked about or would it have gone over their head like the dirty jokes in kids cartoons? If the latter, the filters did their job. Neopets was probably one of the rare instances where parents actually signed the permission slips for their under 13 year old kids to use the social aspects. I know my parents did and it was the only site they ever did that for.
Dictionary definitions are nice but rarely capture the full meaning of the word. Connotations of the word are pretty important.
If I say “I tolerate that behavior,” you can probably infer that I don’t like that behavior based on the connotations of the word tolerate. It invokes a negativity toward the subject.
Similarly for consent. The examples bear this out: medical treatments, business trips, and short notice are generally not pleasant things.
Elective is a terrible name for what it actually means which is basically just “not emergency.” Even if it’s super necessary, if you schedule it in advance, it’s elective.
It wasn’t to blame Democrats. Amy Coney Barrett and the make-up of SCOTUS just changed roughly 4 years ago.
The point being made is that “unconstitutional” doesn’t exist for Republicans anymore. Since the court decides what is and isn’t constitutional and they’ve given up any attempt at appearing not to be partisan hacks, what the Constitution says doesn’t matter.
If you have to qualify with not part of the one of the three branches of government, your argument doesn’t really hold.
The real problem if that’s the scenario is that his social security check is less than $400/month.